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L2 H5 Client Problem


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Hi lads,i got some problems with l2 client that i will point them out and hopefully someone had the same problem(s)previously.


I downloaded the Hi5 client on my linux system . I made it run through the Wine app , everything was running smoothly until i run the l2.exe and the splash screen starts then i got a box saying "Game may not be consistant because AGP is not activated.please activate it and run the game again". Although i had that error box coming up, the game is running and i can log in.


The 2nd problem i got is that on log in screen and in game i cant see the text on the buttons. For example on the login screen where the button "login" is, the button is empty with no text included.  On create character is the same, i can press the button and the function will still work, but still the button(s) are with no text so i don't know what buttons i am actually pressing until i press them and see what's gonna happen. 


Pictures: link 1  link 2


FYI: I had win8 and i could run the game smoothly.


Is it the client that has the problem or is the Wine program that maybe doshent allow the Lineage 2 to load some textures/etc. 



Edited by MrReid
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well I don't know about your Wine version, but you try this post? maybe is useful for you, ok gl.



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In the past there were some 'linux' patches, dunno rly what they fix or w/e.


About the 1st msg, you use using a laptop with a dedicated video card, by default it's using it's default card, not dedicated, that's why you got the message :)

On my w8 and AMD video card I have a program where I can define which card should be used for X, Y program. Like this, I can chose high/low-performance - default, dedicated card.




About 2nd program, no idea, Maybe it's related to 1st one and that's why it's not displayed correctly. Or sort of 'missing font', that would be funny :D

Edited by SweeTs
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vm's usually dont work well with agp if i remember right and are you sure you have a complete installation? please check your localization.ini and l2font-(x).utx and is that a clean system or not

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