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Posted (edited)

Hi i want to sell my l2j server pack for High Five part 5:


1. All quest and instances working 
2. Everything inside is made in java
3. Skills using official formulas

4. LameGuard methods included server side . 
5.  Improved Geodata engine
6.  balanced classes

  • customizable things :

1. For quest, you can change rate and drop for any quest very simple from configs 

2. Lets player take experience in arena

3. Auto Loot Configurable for Raid, Adena, PK, Premium accounts and Normal

4. You are able to Store the cubes, Herb, song and dance at logout

5. Show skill reuse message time

6. Delete SA Buffs

7. Auto Learn Skills and Forgotten Skills

8. Custom Character Title

9. You can disable consume for Spiritshot and Soulshot

10. Enable to give more heal if player using spiritshot

11. Chance for get Masterwork items is configurable

12. Shift+Click showing drop list with images and full stats usable for players

13. Getting subclass by retail way, without quest or withquest but not baium

14. Enable / disable retail seven signs, you are able to make players can farm in cata/necro even if is not registred.

15. Mod that you can enable augmentation of anything

16. Configurable mammons you can set maximum grade to allow them to exchange and upgrade items

17. Auto add to retail shop ability to sell Tatto's 

18. Buff Limits are configurable by: Buffs, Song/Dance, Triggers and Debuffs.

19. Skill Duration Time 

20. Dance/Song configuration time

21. Allow learn transformation skill without quests

22. You can put reuse for social actions

23. Configurabl to allow players drop augumented items

24. ClanHall buff time modifier

25. No Last hit on raid for quests

26. Allow newbie buffers to give on servitor too

27. Party rate bonus configurable for any number of players in party.

28. Config to appear abutton on clanhall buffs as player to can get all of them by a simple click

29. Config thats players are able to get clanhall buffs for one hour by paying a fee

30. Kamaloka nightmare for premium only

31. Sell Tickets for re-entry in instances

32. Stuck Subclass Settings

33. MiniGame saving account + show high class accounts should be enabled from l2.ini too

34. Shout system, allowing Global, Region and Neighbors

35. Lecture Mark, shoul be enabled from l2.ini too

36. Configurable Epic raidboss spawn interval

37. Editables skills forumla

38. Instance enter restrictions are configurable

39. Starter items, infinite arrow ss bss

40. Schemebuffer configurable from game you can disable / enable buffs

41. Olympiad configurable by period, enchant level and other much things

42. Configurable FAME amount from castle / fortress

43. Auto server restart configurable by day hour minute day of month etc.

44. Custom Community Board: Scheme Buffer, Full GM Shop, Teleporter, Class Changer, Enchant System.

45. Server have all retail events + custom events : TvT, Last Hero, Group vs Group, Bounty Hunter, Global Custom Drop item, Random boss event

46. Custom Commands:

.help showing commands, 

 .stats / .statistics showing server informations

 .lock - Security system allow players to can block login only by theier IP or HwID

 .online - showing online players

 .password - changing password

 47. Swimming speed 

 48. Different enchant systems engines

 49. Unstuck Skill

 50. Set Nobles all new characters

 51. Set Hero all new characters

 52. Announce RB Spawn - non epic

 53. Custom Spawn for starter players

 54. Auto spawn in cities, npc buffers

 55. Change party Maximum number of people in party

 56. Premium System

 57. Wedding System

 58. Offline Shop configurable


Our motd is : "Making your life easier"  :)

so all is configurable with simple editing from multisells to ss consume

Price is 80€ pm me for more info.

Edited by l2j-seeker
Posted (edited)

fully balanced classes, u have to be an one man army, even better than ncsoft team itself, they couldnt balance the classes and u did that, congratulations

Edited by brut

why is everyone complaining about selling his or her code.....all l2j servers are copycats of all projects ever made... since it runs under gpl everyone is allowed to resale it xP

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