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Καλησπέρα παιδιά,


Πάει καιρός από τότε που έχω να ασχοληθώ με L2j server και για να πω την αλήθεια, είχα ασχοληθεί και είχα καταφέρει να σηκώσω τον δικό μου server. Παρουσιάστηκε η ευκαιρία για να τον σηκώσω online πλέον κανονικά αλλά δυστυχώς έχασα όλα τα δεδομένα από τον σκληρό μου ο οποίος και κάηκε. Ξεκίνησα από το μηδέν έκανα compile με ant το datapack και τον server με την χρήση του eclipse και τα λοιπά αλλά έχει υπάρξει ένα πρόβλημα ως προς το να τον σηκώσω online πλέον.


Από ότι είδα, στο l2j project έχουν αλλάξει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο σηκώνεις online έναν server και δεν μπορώ να τους ζητήσω βοήθεια για τον απλό λόγο ότι απαγορεύεται να κάνω modification τον client της NCSoft. Οπότε σκέφτηκα να ζητήσω βοήθεια από εδώ.



Ύστερα από ψάξιμο (όσο ήταν δυνατό αυτό) κατάφερα να εντοπίσω κάποια πράγματα του style ipconfig.xml αρχεία και τα λοιπά αλλά δεν κατάφερα ποτέ να κάνω τον server να τρέξει online. Πολύ πιθανό να φταίει και το γεγονός ότι δεν ήξερα τι ακριβώς να κάνω με αυτά, που να βάλω εξωτερικά hosts κτλ.


Έχει κάποιος κάποια ιδέα σχετικά με το πως να κάνω online τον server;


Έχω διαβάσει κάποια guides εδώ αλλά δεν είναι αυτό το οποίο ψάχνω αφού το όλο σκηνικό στον l2j έχει αλλάξει από τις αρχές του '14.

Ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά


Έχω ανοίξει κανονικά τα ports και είναι ελεγμένα με το canyouseeme ότι είναι ανοιχτά. Αυτό το οποίο δεν έχω κάνει είναι ότι δεν έχω φτιάξει τα configs με τα ips. Αυτό γιατί μέσα στα αρχεία τα .config δεν τα έχω πειράξει γιατί οι "οδηγίες" μέσα στα αρχεία αυτά λέγανε ότι τα external ips έχουν μεταφερθεί στα αρχεία ipconfig.xml . Μήπως έχεις κανένα hint για το πως να τα κάνω configure αυτά τα αρχεία; (configs/xml)

Posted (edited)

Όχι, συγκεκριμένα δεν ξέρω ποια είναι η σωστή IP που πρέπει να μπει στο κάθε πεδίο.

Αγνόησε το ότι δεν έχει password για την db. Τα έχω βγάλει για να postarw.

Έχω αυτά τα ipconfigs και αυτά τα .properties:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Login Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.
# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.
# Dumbed Down Definitions...
# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.
# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).
# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Networking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enables automatic port mapping for login server.
# If you have a router login server will request for port forwarding.
# Default: True
EnableUPnP = True

# Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u>
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u>
# Default: * (
LoginserverHostname = *

# Default: 2106
LoginserverPort = 2106

# The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u>
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u>
# Default:
LoginHostname =

# The port on which login will listen for GameServers
# Default: 9014
LoginPort = 9014

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Security
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned.
# Default: 5
LoginTryBeforeBan = 5

# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login.
# Default: 900 (15 minutes)
LoginBlockAfterBan = 900

# If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots
# Default: True
AcceptNewGameServer = True

# Flood Protection. All values are in MILISECONDS.
# Default: True
EnableFloodProtection = True

# Default: 15
FastConnectionLimit = 15

# Default: 700
NormalConnectionTime = 700

# Default: 350
FastConnectionTime = 350

# Default: 50
MaxConnectionPerIP = 50

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using.
# Examples:
# Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default)
# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# Database URL
# URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls (default)
# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jls
# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jls/user = sa/password = 
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls
# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root
# Database connection password
Password = 

# Default: 10
MaximumDbConnections = 10

# Default: 0
MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

# Connection close time.
# Default: 60000
ConnectionCloseTime = 60000

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown.
# Default: True
ShowLicence = True

# Default: True
AutoCreateAccounts = True

# Datapack root directory.
# Defaults to current directory from which the server is started.
DatapackRoot = .

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Developer Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Default: False
Debug = False

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Restart LS every 24 hours?
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enable disable scheduled login restart.
# Default: False
LoginRestartSchedule = False
# Time in hours.
# Default: 24
LoginRestartTime = 24

GameServer / ipconfig.xml 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Note: If file is named "ipconfig.xml" this data will be used as network configuration, otherwise server will configure it automatically! -->
<!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->
<gameserver address="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../data/xsd/ipconfig.xsd">
	<!-- Localhost here -->
	<define subnet="" address="" />
	<!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->
	<define subnet="" address="" />
	<define subnet="" address="" />
	<define subnet="" address="" />

GameServer Server.properties αρχείο

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Game Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.
# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.
# Dumbed Down Definitions...
# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.
# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).
# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Networking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enables automatic port mapping for game server.
# If you have a router game server will request for port forwarding.
# Default: True
EnableUPnP = True

# Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u>
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u>
# Default:
LoginHost =

# TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests
# Default: 9014
LoginPort = 9014

# Bind address for gameserver. You should not need to change it in most cases.
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u>
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u>
# Default: * (
GameserverHostname = *

# Default: 7777
GameserverPort = 7777

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using.
# Examples:
# Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default)
# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# Database URL
# URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs (default)
# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jgs
# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jgs/user = sa/password = 
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs
# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root
# Database connection password
Password = 

# Default: 100
MaximumDbConnections = 100

# Default: 0
MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is the server ID that the Game Server will request.
# Example: 1 = Bartz
# Default: 1
RequestServerID = 1

# True = The Login Server will give an other ID to the server if the requested ID is already reserved.
# Default: True
AcceptAlternateID = True

# Datapack root directory.
# Defaults to current directory from which the server is started unless the below line is uncommented.
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">If the specified path is invalid, it will lead to multiple errors!</font></b></u>
#Default: .
DatapackRoot = .

# Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server.
# Default: 100
MaximumOnlineUsers = 100

# Numbers of protocol revisions that server allows to connect.
# Delimiter is ;
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u>
# Default: 267;268;271;273
AllowedProtocolRevisions = 267;268;271;273

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Player Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Character name template.
# Examples:
# CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]*
# The above setting will allow names with first capital letter, next three small letters,
# and any letter (case insensitive) or number, like OmfgWTF1
# CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]*
# The above setting will allow names only of letters with first one capital, like Omfgwtf
# Default .* (allows any symbol)
CnameTemplate = .*

# This setting restricts names players can give to their pets.
# See CnameTemplate for details
PetNameTemplate = .*

# This setting restricts clan/subpledge names players can set.
# See CnameTemplate for details
ClanNameTemplate = .*

# Maximum number of characters per account.
# Default: 7 (client limit)
CharMaxNumber = 7

Χρειάζεται να υπάρχει και αρχείο ipconfig στον LoginServer; Γιατί δεν είχε κάτι by default...



EDIT: Έχω φτιάξει no-ip host οπότε λογικά δεν θα χρειαστεί να παίξω με την εξωτερική, δυναμική ip μου.

Edited by PainFull

Αμα δεις τα configs θα δεις οτι λένε για τα external ips που έχουν μεταφερθεί στο ipconfig.xml αρχείο. Αλλά όταν βάλω εκεί την no-ip μου, σκάει ο server. Αύριο θα σηκώσω φωτογραφίες/logs με το τί ακριβως σφάλμα μου βγάζει.

Πάντως εάν θυμάμαι καλά ακόμα και με την external ip μου να έχω βάλει στο ipconfig.xml πάλι δεν μπορούσα να συνδεθώ στον server από το pc μου. Δεν έχω δοκιμάσει άλλο pc να συνδεθεί στον server (από εξωτερικό δίκτυο) αλλά θα το δοκιμάσω και αυτό αύριο. 

Γενικότερα πάντως έχουν αλλάξει πάαααααααρα πολύ τα πράγματα στον L2Jserver και έχω την εντύπωση πως τα έχουν κάνει πάρα πολύ πολύπλοκα αρκετά σημεία τα οποία ήταν τέρμα απλά.

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  • Posts

    • [Release] Solo PvP Zone System 🔹 Compatible with: aCis 401+ 📜 Features: ✅ Automatic Exit on Restart: Players are removed from the zone if a restart occurs or logout. ✅ Custom Exit Command: Players can exit the Solo Zone with the voice command .exit. ✅ Teleport NPC Command: new bypass solopvp for gatekeeper. ✅ Random Name Generator: Generates random names. ✅ PvP Flag: The players are flagged within this zone.   xml preview & java code backup code -> https://pastebin.com/974V2p2p   SoloZone.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <zone shape="NPoly" minZ="-5200" maxZ="-4680"><!-- Frintezza Solo Zone --> <stat name="name" val="Solo PvP Zone" /> <stat name="locs" val="174244,-89089,-5112;174260,-86881,-5112;173184,-88090,-5112;175309,-88018,-5112;174231,-88019,-5112;175136,-88828,-5104;174962,-87025,-5104;173149,-87142,-5104;173470,-88908,-5112" /> <stat name="restrictedClasses" val="15,16,97" /> <node x="172031" y="-90127"/> <node x="176428" y="-90089"/> <node x="176428" y="-74051"/> <node x="172057" y="-74108"/> </zone> </list> SoloZone Code: diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/SoloZoneTaskManager.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/SoloZoneTaskManager.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/SoloZoneTaskManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager; + +import java.security.SecureRandom; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.logging.Logger; + +import net.sf.l2j.commons.random.Rnd; + +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.manager.ZoneManager; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicecommandhandlers.VoiceExitSoloZone; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.World; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.location.Location; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.type.SoloZone; + + +/** + * @author MarGaZeaS + */ +public class SoloZoneTaskManager implements Runnable { + + private static final Location EXIT_LOCATION = VoiceExitSoloZone.getExitLocation(); // Λαμβάνουμε την έξοδο από το VoiceExitSoloZone + + @Override + public void run() + { + // Διασχίζουμε όλους τους παίκτες του κόσμου + for (Player player : World.getInstance().getPlayers()) + { + // Ελέγχουμε αν ο παίκτης είναι στο SoloZone + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + // Μεταφέρουμε τον παίκτη στην έξοδο + player.teleportTo(EXIT_LOCATION.getX(), EXIT_LOCATION.getY(), EXIT_LOCATION.getZ(), 0); + player.sendMessage("The server is restarting, you have been moved out of the Solo Zone."); + } + } + } + + private int _id; + + private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(SoloZoneTaskManager.class.getName()); + private static final ArrayList<String> _rndNames = new ArrayList<>(); + private static final int RANDOM_NAMES = 500; + private static final String CHARS = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; + private int _playersInSoloZone = 0; + + public int getPlayersInside() { + return _playersInSoloZone; + } + + public void setPlayersInside(int val) { + _playersInSoloZone = val; + } + + public SoloZoneTaskManager() { + _log.info("Solo Zone System: Loading..."); + for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_NAMES; i++) { + String name = generateName(); + _rndNames.add(name); + _log.info("Generated name: " + name); + } + _log.info("Solo Zone System: Loaded " + _rndNames.size() + " names."); + } + + public String getAName() { + if (_rndNames.isEmpty()) { + _log.warning("SoloZoneManager: No random names available."); + return "Unknown"; + } + return _rndNames.get(Rnd.get(5, RANDOM_NAMES - 5)); + } + + private static String generateName() { + SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom(); + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(15); + for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { + sb.append(CHARS.charAt(rnd.nextInt(CHARS.length()))); + } + return sb.toString(); + } + + public int getZoneId() + { + return _id; + } + + public final static SoloZone getCurrentZone() { + return ZoneManager.getInstance().getAllZones(SoloZone.class) + .stream() + .findFirst() // Επιστρέφει την πρώτη SoloZone (αν υπάρχει μόνο μία) + .orElse(null); + } + + public static SoloZoneTaskManager getInstance() { + return SingletonHolder._instance; + } + + private static class SingletonHolder { + private static final SoloZoneTaskManager _instance = new SoloZoneTaskManager(); + } +} diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/PvpFlagTaskManager.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/PvpFlagTaskManager.java index a707ce5..d247e2e 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/taskmanager/PvpFlagTaskManager.java final Player player = entry.getKey(); final long timeLeft = entry.getValue(); + if(player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + continue; if(player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.BOSS)) continue; // Time is running out, clear PvP flag and remove from list. if (currentTime > timeLeft) diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestCharacterCreate.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestCharacterCreate.java index a707ce5..d247e2e 100644 +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestCharacterCreate.java if (Config.ALLOW_FISH_CHAMPIONSHIP) FishingChampionshipManager.getInstance(); + if (Config.ENABLE_STARTUP) + StartupManager.getInstance(); diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminMaintenance.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminMaintenance.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminMaintenance.java if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { sendHtmlForm(player); return; } try { switch (st.nextToken()) { case "shutdown": + SoloZoneTaskManager exitTask = new SoloZoneTaskManager(); + ThreadPool.schedule(exitTask, 0); Shutdown.getInstance().startShutdown(player, null, Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), false); break; case "restart": + exitTask = new SoloZoneTaskManager(); + ThreadPool.schedule(exitTask, 0); Shutdown.getInstance().startShutdown(player, null, Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), true); break; case "abort": Shutdown.getInstance().abort(player); break; diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/voicecommandhandlers/VoiceExitSoloZone.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/voicecommandhandlers/VoiceExitSoloZone.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/voicecommandhandlers/VoiceExitSoloZone.java +package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicecommandhandlers; + +import net.sf.l2j.commons.pool.ThreadPool; + +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoiceCommandHandler; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.location.Location; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; + +/** + * Handles the voice command for exiting the Solo Zone with delay and effects. + * + * @author MarGaZeaS + */ +public class VoiceExitSoloZone implements IVoiceCommandHandler +{ + private static final String[] VOICE_COMMANDS = + { + "exit" + }; + + // Default location to teleport players when exiting the Solo Zone + private static final Location EXIT_LOCATION = new Location(81318, 148064, -3464); // Replace with your desired coordinates + + // Προσθήκη της μεθόδου για να πάρουμε την τοποθεσία εξόδου + public static Location getExitLocation() { + return EXIT_LOCATION; + } + + @Override + public void useVoiceCommand(Player player, String command) + { + if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) + { + if (!player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + player.sendMessage("You are not inside the Solo Zone."); + return; + } + + // Notify the player about the delay + player.sendMessage("You will be teleported out of the Solo Zone in 2 seconds."); + + // Cast skill effect (Skill ID: 2100, Level: 1) + player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, 2100, 1, 2000, 0)); + + // Schedule the teleportation after a 2-second delay + ThreadPool.schedule(() -> { + // Teleport the player to the designated exit location + player.teleportTo(EXIT_LOCATION.getX(), EXIT_LOCATION.getY(), EXIT_LOCATION.getZ(), 0); + + // Inform the player + player.sendMessage("You have exited the Solo Zone."); + }, 2000); // Delay in milliseconds (2000ms = 2 seconds) + } + } + + @Override + public String[] getVoiceCommandList() + { + return VOICE_COMMANDS; + } +} diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/VoiceCommandHandler.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/VoiceCommandHandler.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/VoiceCommandHandler.java public class VoiceCommandHandler { private final Map<String, IVoiceCommandHandler> _entries = new HashMap<>(); protected VoiceCommandHandler() { ............ ............ + registerHandler(new VoiceExitSoloZone()); } public void registerHandler(IVoiceCommandHandler handler) { for (String command : handler.getVoiceCommandList()) _entries.put(command, handler); } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Npc.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Npc.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Npc.java else if (command.startsWith("Chat")) { int val = 0; try { val = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(5)); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { } showChatWindow(player, val); + ) + else if (command.startsWith("solopvp")) + { + SoloZoneTaskManager.getInstance(); + player.teleportTo(SoloZoneTaskManager.getCurrentZone().getLoc(), 25); + } else if (command.startsWith("Link")) { final String path = command.substring(5).trim(); if (path.indexOf("..") != -1) return; final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); html.setFile("data/html/" + path); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestartPoint.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestartPoint.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestartPoint.java // Fixed. - else if (_requestType == 4) - { - if (!player.isGM() && !player.isFestivalParticipant()) - return; - - loc = player.getPosition(); - } + if (_requestType == 4) + { + // Έλεγχος αν ο παίκτης δεν είναι GM, δεν είναι μέρος του φεστιβάλ και δεν είναι στην Solo Zone + if (!player.isGM() && !player.isFestivalParticipant() && !player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + return; + } + + SoloZoneTaskManager.getInstance(); + SoloZone currentZone = SoloZoneTaskManager.getCurrentZone(); + if (currentZone != null && currentZone.getLoc() != null) + { + // Αν υπάρχει ζώνη και οι τοποθεσίες δεν είναι κενές, χρησιμοποιούμε τυχαία τοποθεσία από την ζώνη + loc = currentZone.getLoc(); + } else + { + // Διαφορετικά, κάνουμε respawn στην τρέχουσα θέση του παίκτη + loc = player.getPosition(); + } + } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestart.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestart.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestRestart.java if (player.isFestivalParticipant() && FestivalOfDarknessManager.getInstance().isFestivalInitialized()) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_RESTART_HERE); sendPacket(RestartResponse.valueOf(false)); return; } + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + player.sendMessage("You cannot restart your character while in Solo Zone. Use .exit to leave"); + player.setFakeName(null); + sendPacket(RestartResponse.valueOf(false)); + return; + } player.removeFromBossZone(); diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/Logout.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/Logout.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/Logout.java player.removeFromBossZone(); player.logout(true); } } + + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + player.sendMessage("You cannot logout or restart your character while in Solo Zone. Use .exit to leave"); + player.setFakeName(null); + player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); + return; + } + player.removeFromBossZone(); player.logout(true); } } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/zone/type/SoloZone.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/zone/type/SoloZone.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/zone/type/SoloZone.java +package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.type; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Random; + +import net.sf.l2j.commons.random.Rnd; + +import net.sf.l2j.Config; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.MessageType; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicecommandhandlers.VoiceExitSoloZone; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.World; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Creature; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.location.Location; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.type.subtype.ZoneType; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.EtcStatusUpdate; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.PvpFlagTaskManager; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.SoloZoneTaskManager; + +/** + * @author MarGaZeaS + * + */ +public class SoloZone extends ZoneType +{ + private String _name; + private List<Location> _locations = new ArrayList<>(); + + public SoloZone(int id) + { + super(id); + } + + @Override + public void setParameter(String name, String value) + { + if (name.equals("name")) + _name = value; + else if (name.equals("locs")) + { + for (String locs : value.split(";")) + { + String[] coordinates = locs.split(","); + if (coordinates.length == 3) + { + int x = Integer.parseInt(coordinates[0]); + int y = Integer.parseInt(coordinates[1]); + int z = Integer.parseInt(coordinates[2]); + _locations.add(new Location(x, y, z)); + } + else + { + LOGGER.warn("Invalid location format: " + locs); + } + } + } + } + + + @Override + protected void onEnter(Creature character) + { + if (character instanceof Player) + { + final Player player = (Player) character; + + if ((player.getClassId().getId() == 15 || player.getClassId().getId() == 16 || player.getClassId().getId() == 97)) + { + Location respawnLocation = VoiceExitSoloZone.getExitLocation(); + player.instantTeleportTo(respawnLocation, 20); + player.sendMessage("Your class is not allowed in this zone."); + return; + } + + String randomName = SoloZoneTaskManager.getInstance().getAName(); + if (randomName == null || randomName.isEmpty() || !isValidName(randomName)) + { + randomName = generateRandomName(); + } + if (isNameAlreadyTaken(randomName)) + { + randomName = generateRandomName(); + } + player.setFakeName(randomName); + player.sendMessage("Welcome to the Solo Zone, your random name is: " + randomName); + player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENTERED_COMBAT_ZONE); + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO, true); + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.NO_STORE, true); + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.NO_SUMMON_FRIEND, true); + + if (player.getParty() != null) + { + player.getParty().removePartyMember(player, MessageType.DISCONNECTED); + } + + if (player.getPvpFlag() > 0) + PvpFlagTaskManager.getInstance().remove(player, true); + + player.updatePvPStatus(); + player.broadcastUserInfo(); + } + } + + private static boolean isValidName(String name) { + return name.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"); + } + + private static String generateRandomName() { + Random rand = new Random(); + int nameLength = rand.nextInt(12) + 4; + StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nameLength; i++) { + char randomChar = (char) (rand.nextInt(26) + 'a'); + nameBuilder.append(randomChar); + } + + return nameBuilder.toString(); + } + + private static boolean isNameAlreadyTaken(String name) { + return World.getInstance().getPlayers().stream().anyMatch(player -> player.getFakeName().equals(name)); + } + + @Override + protected void onExit(Creature character) + { + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO, false); // Solo zone + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.NO_STORE, false); // Allow making a store + character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.NO_SUMMON_FRIEND, false); // Allow summon + + if (character instanceof Player) + { + final Player player = (Player) character; + + if (player.getFakeName() != null) + { + player.setFakeName(null); + } + + player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.LEFT_COMBAT_ZONE); + { + if(!player.isInObserverMode() && player.getPvpFlag() > 0) + PvpFlagTaskManager.getInstance().add(player, Config.PVP_NORMAL_TIME); + + player.sendPacket(new EtcStatusUpdate(player)); + player.broadcastUserInfo(); + } + } + } + + public String getName() + { + return _name; + } + + public Location getLoc() + { + if (_locations.isEmpty()) + { + return null; // Αν η λίστα είναι κενή, επιστρέφουμε null + } + return _locations.get(Rnd.get(0, _locations.size() - 1)); // Επιλέγουμε τυχαία τοποθεσία + } +} diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/GameServer.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/GameServer.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/GameServer.java if (Config.ALLOW_FISH_CHAMPIONSHIP) FishingChampionshipManager.getInstance(); + StringUtil.printSection("Custom Features"); + SoloZoneTaskManager.getInstance(); StringUtil.printSection("Handlers"); LOGGER.info("Loaded {} admin command handlers.", AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().size()); diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/GameServer.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/Shutdown.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/Shutdown.java // disconnect players try { disconnectAllPlayers(); LOGGER.info("All players have been disconnected."); } catch (Exception e) { // Silent catch. } + // Restore real names for players in SoloZone + restoreRealNamesInSoloZone(); // stop all threadpolls ThreadPool.shutdown(); try { LoginServerThread.getInstance().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { // Silent catch. } // avoids new players from logging in if (_secondsShut <= 60 && LoginServerThread.getInstance().getServerType() != ServerType.DOWN) LoginServerThread.getInstance().setServerType(ServerType.DOWN); _secondsShut--; Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } + // This method restores the real names of players in SoloZone + private static void restoreRealNamesInSoloZone() + { + for (Player player : World.getInstance().getPlayers()) + { + // Check if player is inside the SoloZone + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + // Restore the real name by removing the fake name + if (player.getFakeName() != null) + { + player.setFakeName(null); // Restore the real name + LOGGER.info("Player {}'s fake name has been removed and real name restored.", player.getName()); + } + } + } + } private static void sendServerQuit(int seconds) { World.toAllOnlinePlayers(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THE_SERVER_WILL_BE_COMING_DOWN_IN_S1_SECONDS).addNumber(seconds)); } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/enums/ZoneId.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/enums/ZoneId.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/enums/ZoneId.java public enum ZoneId { PVP(0), PEACE(1), SIEGE(2), MOTHER_TREE(3), CLAN_HALL(4), NO_LANDING(5), WATER(6), JAIL(7), MONSTER_TRACK(8), CASTLE(9), SWAMP(10), NO_SUMMON_FRIEND(11), NO_STORE(12), TOWN(13), HQ(14), DANGER_AREA(15), CAST_ON_ARTIFACT(16), NO_RESTART(17), SCRIPT(18), - BOSS(19), + BOSS(19), + SOLO(20); private final int _id; private ZoneId(int id) { _id = id; } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/Die.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/Die.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/Die.java if (creature instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) creature; - _allowFixedRes = player.getAccessLevel().allowFixedRes(); + _allowFixedRes = player.getAccessLevel().allowFixedRes() || player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO); _clan = player.getClan(); } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver//model/actor/Player.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java // Attacker or spectator logging into a siege zone will be ported at town. if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SIEGE) && player.getSiegeState() < 2) player.teleportTo(TeleportType.TOWN); + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + ThreadPool.schedule(() -> { + Location exitLocation = VoiceExitSoloZone.getExitLocation(); + + if (exitLocation != null) + { + player.teleportTo(exitLocation.getX(), exitLocation.getY(), exitLocation.getZ(), 0); + player.sendMessage("You have been moved to the exit of the SoloZone."); + } + }, 5000); // 5000 milliseconds (5sec) + } diff --git a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java b/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7ef6f --- /dev/null +++ a/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java @Override public void doRevive() { super.doRevive(); stopEffects(EffectType.CHARM_OF_COURAGE); sendPacket(new EtcStatusUpdate(this)); getStatus().setCpHpMp(getStatus().getMaxCp(), getStatus().getMaxHp(), getStatus().getMaxMp()); _reviveRequested = 0; _revivePower = 0; if (isMounted()) startFeed(_mountNpcId); + if (isInsideZone(ZoneId.SOLO)) + { + // Give Nobless (1323 ID) + L2Skill no = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1323, 1); + no.getEffects(this, this); + sendMessage("You have received the Nobless status in the Solo Zone."); + } + }   If anyone thinks the code is wrong, please make an update and upload it here so I can update the post. A part was edited with chatgpt
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