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Added 2 Santa Hats. Same stats as Evil Aghations. Can be bought from Misc shop->Vote shop

Changed Pvp zone from Primeval Isle to Antharas Nest.

Added 3 more raidbosses.

Added Baium and Nazgul Lord raidbosses on Peace zone so all newbies can farm them.

Added Antharas raidboss on Pvp zone. Respawn 3 hours. Has biggest chances to drop cool things.

Added a new farm zone for NO CLAN players. All newbies can farm in peace now.

Reworked magic critical hits formula from x4 to x3.

Lowered Spellsinger magic critical rate. Lowered m.atk by 5%

Increased stats of Dominator, Necromancer, SpellHowler.

Increased stats of Dagger classes.

Increased power on skills of duelist by 10% and p.atk by 5%.

Increased chance on Shackle.


More adds very soon.


500 fake lol :)))

We do increase and decrease stats because the stats are not like retail to be so easy.

Increasing other class will decreate also other classes wich need a plus.


Atleast we are announcing every change.


Made level zone as Peace zone. No more pk's on that area.
Fixed subclass canceling for the 4,5 and 6th subclasses.
Fixed pvp flag on Pvp zone. Now will last forever and no more pk's on that zone.
Added 10% m.atk on Necromancer, Spellhowler and Sorceror.
Added 10% power on Tyrant skills.
Added  bow penalty on dagger classes, bladedancer, swordsinger.
Removed critical attack penalty from Maestro and Bounty Hunter clases.

Soon new cool things in game ^^ Be ready for them.


Made level zone as Peace zone. No more pk's on that area.

Fixed subclass canceling for the 4,5 and 6th subclasses.

Fixed pvp flag on Pvp zone. Now will last forever and no more pk's on that zone.

Added 10% m.atk on Necromancer, Spellhowler and Sorceror.

Added 10% power on Tyrant skills.

Added  bow penalty on dagger classes, bladedancer, swordsinger.

Removed critical attack penalty from Maestro and Bounty Hunter clases.


Soon new cool things in game ^^ Be ready for them.


wtf is it? u always have too many fixes on all ur servers, u cant fix balance in 5 years or even much more?


Atlaest i do fixes. Wich means i care and i'm active on server. ^^
And those things need to be fixed.
+ that i add almost new things and the balance have to be re-worked to be perfect for all.


New weapon+ armor set.

Those will be added tomorrow.

The full changelog will be added on our forum.






My players are people who like to play custom servers.

You get bored to see all that customs for years.. so i have to refresh it from time to time >:)

And are not much.

The apella is on interlude in fact..

So just the Tauti set and this Aurelian set are custom. 

2 sets are not too many ^^


No problem. Didn't got it as insult. Just explained you that there are not really much customs..

Are enough, so peolpe won't get bored too fast.


PS: added.

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