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Πως να κανω save τα  html ?  Δεν σε καταλαβαινω. Απλα ανοιγεις ενα σημειωματαριο, γραφεις τους κωδικες και μετα το κανεις save ως example.html και ετοιμο. Τωρα τι εννοεις να ανεβαινουν KB!


simple mate...


kaneis enan neo fakelo meta pas ston fakelo pas panw ergalia pas epiloges fakelon meta kane untic to apokripsi epektaseon bla bla bla...

meta pigene sto html p thes na kaneis edit... pas sto telos svinis to html kai vazis txt gia paradigma tadetade.txt svineis to txt kai vazeis na einai

tadetade.html meta edit auto p thes to kaneis save pas sto arxio pali to metonomazeis se html dld tadetade.html  kai ouala etoimos

ps:uparxoun poloi tropoi na to kaneis alla autos einai eneas ... ama kaneis lathos kai ekragi o ipologistis s den ftew egw.


1 . It's not an english section only and don't post if you see greek language.I consider this as a spam but anyway I will give ya a second chance.


2 . Ta kbs dn anebenoun pote.Den katalabenw ti ennoeis.Einai logiko na s emfanizei to ikonidio tou firefox afou einai default gia na anoigoun ta html.Allo yperkeimeno allo text.Ta yperkeimena pianoun pio poly xwro apo ta texts.Episeis ola anoigoun me firefox i IE an dn exeis mozilla.


Ola einai ok.

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