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interlude [L2J] Lineage 2 Aepvp


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Do i look like i am some sort of charity case? I get whatever i want with my money, i don't need to strive for a scholarship.

You on the other hand have a TERRIBLE degree from a technological educational institute of patras. Wow great mate. It's like 14k points to get in. I scored 18400 and i still rejected everything in greece. You poor poor boy. I guess you need no sympathy :((((



Idk about know, but I got in with 17800 back on 08 or 09

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Don't even know why would someone even claim that such a project is of his own creation.

I played at this server for 14 days and honestly it was a really bad server for me.

Even the fact that it runs on a c6 client is nothing compared to the non existant balance , pt farm - raiding and the poor items a player can get.

Ofc this is my opinion , no1 has to agree with me.


There were 1 or 2 things that i liked in the server such as the PvP Enchant which i think is a really good idea.


All in all , if u wanna have some fun for a week or two until you get bored doing the same thing everyday , then go ahead and join this server.

Maybe play a titan too , it'll be really fun to see how op this class can be , lol.

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we know dude u are going on snow server relax 


Yep i am , hoping to find something good at last , lol.

Though that is irrelevant with the topic , plus there is no need for me to relax.

The only reason why I commented here was for people who havent tried the server to have an honest review of it , nothing more.

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u should find something better than aepvp then cuz V had 50ppl on ? and 1 month max on ?


First of you should know what you're talking about before you do so , otherwise people might make a fool out of you.

Talking random numbers and "facts" will only make you look like a fool.

That applies in pretty much everything.



I really dont know why you are trying to defend a server through "bashing" another , we were talking about Aerogaming in this topic as far as i know.


What me and my clan will do is none of ur business and is ofc irellevant to the topic so u might as well make a real - solid argument or drop it.

I spoke only about Aerogaming , based on my +- 15 day experience that i had on that server.

I spoke with facts and i made a point while you are trying to defend AE  through trashtalking about another server??





Also , for you information , just to save you from embarassing yourself again in the future.

That server that you're talking about remained open for only 1 week and then it closed.

That happened because the admin thought it was best to close the server , make the updates he thought he should and then reoppen it.

On the forum alone it had 250+- 1 day before the oppening.

Just giving u the right numbers , noth more..


Anyway i will not defend any server since  i have no other relationship with any server than the one of a player.

I can understand that you do not like me talking "bad" about Aerogaming but you cannot change the fact that my experience on that server was really , really poor.

I'm not the one responsible for that.

What i cannot understand is why people like you , do what you are doing now.


I will only choose what is best for me to play at , i do not care about a server being successful or whatever , i only want me and my mates to have fun.



 Anyway no hardfeelings , aerogaming simply could not provide such an experience to me or my mates.

I suppose people will realise this sooner or later , i was simply one of the first.



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Ofc you're bored since you cannot face the facts.
About time u QQed just go back and play to that server till it dies.

@insider i dont think i 've seen u anywhere except for L2 AE so how would a random guy like u know anything about me or my clan.


Crying is one thing , reporting/suggesting and demanding the expected attention/support from the stuff is another.

You guys can try and support that server as much as you can , i really could not care any less than i do.
But the fact  that the server is dying will not change, you just can't see it.

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