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today I'am telling you how to kill Hexos easy with Honorbuddy.Since I was stuck a long time at this boss and know the frustration, I give away this simple method to kill him with ease.It's common sense for some people, but I got the Idea very late and other people may have use for this.






-A Combat Routine for your class, which continues the Rotation even on CC(You may test a few out as I did)

-Enough braincells to fully concentrate on the labyrinth he spawns

-I would say 520+ Gear PvP/PvE with Hit/Expertise Cap



What you have to do:


1.Start up Honorbuddy

2.Load the Class Routine matching to your class

3.Choose "Combat Bot" as Bot


5.Pass the Labyrinth, while the Bot is making DPS for you.

6.Clap your hands if you feel like room without a roof.


Tested Routine's:


-Fury Unleashed (Warrior)

-Hunter MM Quick and Dirty by Pasterke


Have fun trying/succeeding.




Useful links:

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbu...mbat-routines/ (Routines for your class)

http://www.askmrrobot.com/ (Best reforge to hitcap with pvp or even pve gear)



Ps.: Singular is not working, because Hexos is rooting you in place and Singular is not doing DPS while CC'd

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