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Hello i wanna show you my Hi5 project (pack). 




                                                                                 Special Features: 
1.Custom cancellation system: When you buffs get steal in 10 secounds they will be returned 

2. Anti-KS system: This system is when someone try to get you farm. The player who make most DMG on the mob or RB will get the drop
3. Killing - spree system: You will get publicly broadcasted after you kill 5/10/15/20/25/etc people consecutively without dying.
4. Spawn protection effect: When you die in the PvP zone in 10 secound you will be respawn whit nobleses 

5. Geodata & Pathnods: We can ensure you will not encounter wallshoots, wallwalkers or any kind of similar troubles with our geodata (Its closed source , high modded geodata and pathnods stazis )

6. Working community board

7. Crystall Scrolls: You can use them like special scrolls to make item's more enchantable than normal and blessed one's or to set them like donation scrolls 

8. Custom Pk-Guards: You can use them to protect newbies in farm zones to don't have Pk's 

9. Custom Balance: All class stats are Retail. The skills wich is for chanse are maked to be 50/50 on +30/15, curse fear/ silence are fixed 

10. Custom GoD Cloack's


                                                                                              Custom NPC's:

1. Custom GM Shop

2. Custom Buffer: Whit Buffs +15/30 ofcourse you can make them w/o enchant 

3. Custom Global Gatekeeper
4.Custom Rank Manager: Shows you Top PvP/Pk Stats 
5. Custom Event Manager



Russian Roulette 

Capture The Flag


Lucky Chest

Simon Says

Bomb Fight

And Special Event Last Hero: ofc it can be enable or disable 


1. Siege reward system , The winners of the siege will get reward ( you can change it on configs )

2. Clan point manager ( players can buy rep points for their clan ) all bugs fixed and npc is fully working

3. Vote systems are improved with new msg style ( kinda cool and not the shity announce ment color ^^ )

4. Announce Hero Login

5. Announce castle lord Login

6. New htmls style ( really unique 100% mine )

7. More improve html ( cleanup ) faster npcs

8. 40% faster core ( Server load really fast , even if all options are enabled )

9. Dressme system ( players will look to wear w/e armor they wish , no matter if they use other on invetory )

10. custom starting title for new players ( you can set the title for new players )

11. change sex npc

12. Automatic Hide and Seek

13. Automatic Quiz Event

14. Last hero event ( Like FFA and winner will get reward hero status untill restart )

15. New custom clan halls

16. you need X pvps to use Trade and shout. ( you can choose how many pvps  or even disable this )

17. The mob of your chooise will turn players into flag if they cast a skill or if they touch it ( flag mob system )

18. New msgs style , more unique

19. New unique ender world msgs , you can write anything you like there

20. change sex npc ( players can change sex of their chars , ofc they have to pay  :P )

21. New noobles managers

22. Fame +reward for each pvp (You can change it )


For contact 

Skype: pi4a312

Email:  troaw1@hotmail.com 

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