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L2Pride - Discussion Topic


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Hello there,

Today I came here to tell you some things about L2Pride. For some people it will be important, for some others not. But I'll just say it.


First, let me start with the whole "WTS [L2J]L2Pride Sources/Pack", etc by every random person in this world.


Some time ago, Dav hired an idiot to help him in developing L2Pride. The deal was that if that idiot updates L2Pride with good stuff, he would be paid cash. (Paid Developer in a few words)


So.. because that idiot was known to be a golddigger an stupid guy approached him. The stupid guy "offered" $5,000 for the sources of L2Pride, and as I said, this idiot was a golddigger so he accepted. He leaked/copied the sources/files and then.. when the time for the exchange came instead of asking for $ he first gave the files/sources to the stupid guy and obviously he got scammed. The idiot guy never received his cash. 


What's the point of saying all these?


-L2Pride was never "hacked" we just had an idiot among us who leaked/copied the files for $5,000 that he never received.

-L2Pride has/had only 1 developer which is Dav. If you see guys like the owner of fandc project saying that he used to be a dev in L2Pride, don't trust them. 

-L2Pride never gave the permission to anyone to sell/re-sell the files/sources. Dav was not aware of what the idiot did.


Secondly, I'd like to say a few things about the pack (files/sources)


The version which was supposed to be sold for $5,000 is the old one. It does not contain any updates as it was Dav the only one working on the files back then. The idiot had the old files. 


Thirdly, I'd like to say a few things about the all these "upcoming" servers using L2Prides sources/files


If you're about to join one of them just think one thing before you do it.. "Why would a serious Developer with the proper knowledge/skills use a ready-to-go pack?" Because currently the server is ready to go live. So most of these guys who open their supposedly "servers" are not real developers. (Talking about: Khalifa, InTheEnd) <-- These 2 guys just go after your donations, they've 0 knowledge in the Dev part. 


What's more, I'd like also to tell you that hNoke is not developing L2Pride anymore. The only one running updates/fixes is Dav.


P.S: Sorry for the wall of a text, I felt I should give some explanations.

P.S2: If you think this wall of text is useless/junk just ignore it. I already said for some people it will be important and for some others it won't.

P.S3: Sorry for the words 'stupid' & 'idiot' but couldn't find better words to describe these 2 people. Excuse me.




Q: Who is the idiot? What's his name?


hNoke. Be careful when dealing with him.



Q: Who is the stupid? What's his name?


Khalifa. Be careful when dealing with him.



Thanks for reading this.



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Well,i totally agree with you,but.. you shouldn't mention my name in this topic... 


I didn't opened my server for money.


Khalifa approached me after his server got scammed by hostchefs.eu and he told me he need an invester to help him out with Dedicate &  bla bla bla... Since Aphelion,you know how much years i play Pride,i was like "wow" let's do it.

He convised me to open a server together. Afterall he had access on all my private things,like Webhost & Dedicate Center .. and he told me many things to get my trust...

We opened together L2Outlaw with a backup of L2GPVP... so much mess... His friend's/donators had active skill that give's +30,000 P.Atk/Accurasy/Evasion & so on. Full items lvl.9 and many many things that i didn't imagine..

After i cleared most of players of those shits,they were complaining to Khalifa because they were from his country (Except RSPrada).

I didn't like his corruption,he was giving lvl.7 attribute for 10€ and many other shits.

After all,i denied many Donations of 100-150€ so that's mean's i didn't opened the server for money,there were alot of guys asking for Donations (+17 S-Rare Items & so on) and i refused them.

That was a thing that Khalifa didn't like + his corruption,he was giving free hero just because he "like" someone as he told me & he gave full dagger gear to 1 guy that he told he own him some money and he will hurt his Family if he wasn't going to give him Items,so he gave him Items until he go back to his Home & afterall the guy told me that he gave Khalifa 1,000$ or something like that idk(Dont believe it since Khalifa is broke)

After alot of fighting for his corruption and so on,he was telling me all time "you are not my boss" and bla bla bla. So he had a plan,kick me out of server & get another dedicate since server was very active (150-220 daily online)

So he spoke to alot of past Donators & ask them for Money (I collected all Chat Logs & here you go ... https://mega.co.nz/#!OlAggYiI!Gd0vsVqnqrL9xjbfyZxZ_tUjoqfSmENFHCtb0QX_4PE )

After i sent him the conversation,he logged in Dedicate removed my Low Rate Server & All L2Pride files & he changed password.... He also removed me from webhost & he deleted my Administrator user.

But he didnt thought that i had files on my computer,so i found source,removed every shit backdoor he had on the Pack,and re-opened with a Backup i had.

Also about the developing... in one part you are true,im not capable to maintain an L2Pride Server by myself,so i hire a developer in L2Outlaw and he manage many things & black holes L2Pride Pack had,also my dedicate is so 

Also the only reason i opened L2Outlaw again is to let Khalifa cry by himself,afterall he found an idiot to give him some money & he opened another server l2enliven.eu!


The only reason i writte all this is because,you judge me without Reason.


Respectfully yours, ~InTheEnd

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Well,i totally agree with you,but.. you shouldn't mention my name in this topic... 


I didn't opened my server for money.


Khalifa approached me after his server got scammed by hostchefs.eu and he told me he need an invester to help him out with Dedicate &  bla bla bla... Since Aphelion,you know how much years i play Pride,i was like "wow" let's do it.

He convised me to open a server together. Afterall he had access on all my private things,like Webhost & Dedicate Center .. and he told me many things to get my trust...

We opened together L2Outlaw with a backup of L2GPVP... so much mess... His friend's/donators had active skill that give's +30,000 P.Atk/Accurasy/Evasion & so on. Full items lvl.9 and many many things that i didn't imagine..

After i cleared most of players of those shits,they were complaining to Khalifa because they were from his country (Except RSPrada).

I didn't like his corruption,he was giving lvl.7 attribute for 10€ and many other shits.

After all,i denied many Donations of 100-150€ so that's mean's i didn't opened the server for money,there were alot of guys asking for Donations (+17 S-Rare Items & so on) and i refused them.

That was a thing that Khalifa didn't like + his corruption,he was giving free hero just because he "like" someone as he told me & he gave full dagger gear to 1 guy that he told he own him some money and he will hurt his Family if he wasn't going to give him Items,so he gave him Items until he go back to his Home & afterall the guy told me that he gave Khalifa 1,000$ or something like that idk(Dont believe it since Khalifa is broke)

After alot of fighting for his corruption and so on,he was telling me all time "you are not my boss" and bla bla bla. So he had a plan,kick me out of server & get another dedicate since server was very active (150-220 daily online)

So he spoke to alot of past Donators & ask them for Money (I collected all Chat Logs & here you go ... https://mega.co.nz/#!OlAggYiI!Gd0vsVqnqrL9xjbfyZxZ_tUjoqfSmENFHCtb0QX_4PE )

After i sent him the conversation,he logged in Dedicate removed my Low Rate Server & All L2Pride files & he changed password.... He also removed me from webhost & he deleted my Administrator user.

But he didnt thought that i had files on my computer,so i found source,removed every shit backdoor he had on the Pack,and re-opened with a Backup i had.

Also about the developing... in one part you are true,im not capable to maintain an L2Pride Server by myself,so i hire a developer in L2Outlaw and he manage many things & black holes L2Pride Pack had,also my dedicate is so 

Also the only reason i opened L2Outlaw again is to let Khalifa cry by himself,afterall he found an idiot to give him some money & he opened another server l2enliven.eu!


The only reason i writte all this is because,you judge me without Reason.


Respectfully yours, ~InTheEnd


Lies.com You opened the stolen pack purely to get donations nothing more. But you failed as many other idiots who tried to recreate pride. It will NEVER work.

Even with a ready to go pack. The revision is really outdated, many bugs related to the famous Nexus engine ;). Then Khalifa got robbed by the owner of hostchefs and then the pack got shared everywhere. Kind of fucking dumb if you ask me because now the pack is worth nothing. Only fucking idiots will buy it now, since it's even found on russian forums if you search properly " not going to give links due to advertising other forums"


P.S Get a grip and create something that is yours and stop stealing shit. Otherwise it is not worth a penny if you put no work into it.



Keep up the work aphelion, it's a shame that it got into the wrong hands.

Edited by Extreamer
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Lies.com You opened the stolen pack purely to get donations nothing more. But you failed as many other idiots who tried to recreate pride. It will NEVER work.

Even with a ready to go pack. The revision is really outdated, many bugs related to the famous Nexus engine ;). Then Khalifa got robbed by the owner of hostchefs and then the pack got shared everywhere. Kind of fucking dumb if you ask me because now the pack is worth nothing. Only fucking idiots will buy it now, since it's even found on russian forums if you search properly " not going to give links due to advertising other forums"


P.S Get a grip and create something that is yours and stop stealing shit. Otherwise it is not worth a penny if you put no work into it.



Keep up the work aphelion, it's a shame that it got into the wrong hands.

You still are an idiot... Everything related to Nexus Event Engine is Fixed,the pack that i have in my hand's is bugless but that's another case. You have no relation to this e-war so i would like you to stop writting bullshits,you have no clue what you are saying,just because we have an e-war there is no reason to start posting bullshits without to know anything. Let people that is involved in this case to clear this once forever.

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Ok so let me show you some things,



Hello there,

Today I came here to tell you some things about L2Pride. For some people it will be important, for some others not. But I'll just say it.


First, let me start with the whole "WTS [L2J]L2Pride Sources/Pack", etc by every random person in this world.


Some time ago, Dav hired an idiot to help him in developing L2Pride. The deal was that if that idiot updates L2Pride with good stuff, he would be paid cash. (Paid Developer in a few words)


So.. because that idiot was known to be a golddigger an stupid guy approached him. The stupid guy "offered" $5,000 for the sources of L2Pride, and as I said, this idiot was a golddigger so he accepted. He leaked/copied the sources/files and then.. when the time for the exchange came instead of asking for $ he first gave the files/sources to the stupid guy and obviously he got scammed. The idiot guy never received his cash. 


What's the point of saying all these?


-L2Pride was never "hacked" we just had an idiot among us who leaked/copied the files for $5,000 that he never received.

-L2Pride has/had only 1 developer which is Dav. If you see guys like the owner of fandc project saying that he used to be a dev in L2Pride, don't trust them.


let's see what did dav say




Dav the only one Developer!


So Dear Aphelion the most commands you use as admin are made from Zenny Girl aka Zgirl


   "admin_itemrain",  //Zgirl
    "admin_settcolor", // change chartitles' color display ZGirl
    "admin_whois", // get account for character name - ZGirl
    "admin_accinfo", // get account information (last login, last IP, accessLevel) - ZGirl
    "admin_resetcert", // force subclass certifications cancellation - ZGirl
    "admin_marryinfo" // gets marriage information ZGirl

    "marrytime" //Zgirl


so if Dav hires someone for such simple coding don't expect us to believe that he coded himself the whole custom part of server.

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As far as I know, Dav never gave access to the db to hNoke. So, I don't know what's going on with the database.


When this happened I was working so I had no computer for over 1.5-2 months.


These commands were a contribute to the server. The files were sent to Dav and he just added the codes. (Zgirl was the contributor)


He never let anyone else have access to the files except hNoke for a short time.


P.S: I just now understood what you mean with the word hacked. I was referring to the source not to the database. As I said, I got no clue about what happened with the database of the server. I just mentioned this because I saw some people saying: "Look a hacker stole L2Pride's sources, we must be afraid, there's a hacker among us" ,etc.

Edited by Aphelion
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well intheend and khalifa will be destroyed if someone shares the package, so i ask you aphellion! May i share the files cause their mouth is to big and their ego is bigger!

Brother,you have nothing more than a decompiled source,it's not real. Get it out of your mind,i won't get destroyed in any way,since my actions are only to harm Khalifa,if you want to start an e-war,you are free to share source :D

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Brother,you have nothing more than a decompiled source,it's not real. Get it out of your mind,i won't get destroyed in any way,since my actions are only to harm Khalifa,if you want to start an e-war,you are free to share source :D

well ok if its a decompiled source why you reply? i want to share that whats your problem? are you afraid? because brutus contributed to my source too :) let me share them if they are decompile source (as you say mr smartass)



btw ask brutus if my source is real 


/endofstory i will upload the files in some hours



(e - war? ohhh shit you will ddos my upcoming server? oh man :( plz no) 

Edited by Akken
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well ok if its a decompiled source why you reply? i want to share that whats your problem? are you afraid? because brutus contributed to my source too :) let me share them if they are decompile source (as you say mr smartass)



btw ask brutus if my source is real 


/endofstory i will upload the files in some hours



(e - war? ohhh shit you will ddos my upcoming server? oh man :( plz no) 

What server are you talking about? Didn't saw any server of you with more than 20 Online,and i never said something about DDoS.... you were asking for my help in your servers and afterall,you are acting like a diva :D who gives a shit about l2 anyway,go ahead and share them, i beg you

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What server are you talking about? Didn't saw any server of you with more than 20 Online,and i never said something about DDoS.... you were asking for my help in your servers and afterall,you are acting like a diva :D who gives a shit about l2 anyway,go ahead and share them, i beg you

1st of all i asked your help 1 time for something that i found out alone

2nd yea 20 online but pack wasnt leeched/ready to go , it was my own work

3rd yea i act like a diva with wannabe devs (i am not a dev too) and people that smoke weed and think they are full in swag!


4th i am making rar files dont worry i will create a topic



@aphellion sorry but i will share them :)

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1st of all i asked your help 1 time for something that i found out alone

2nd yea 20 online but pack wasnt leeched/ready to go , it was my own work

3rd yea i act like a diva with wannabe devs (i am not a dev too) and people that smoke weed and think they are full in swag!


4th i am making rar files dont worry i will create a topic



@aphellion sorry but i will share them :)

First of all fuck swag what the fuck was that? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


3) I never acted like a developer,since i hire a developer for my server.....


4) Oh,i'll wait,PLEASE do it!

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First of all fuck swag what the fuck was that? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


3) I never acted like a developer,since i hire a developer for my server.....


4) Oh,i'll wait,PLEASE do it!

thats of topic but you were posting Nightw0lf real life photos, making fun of him! If you are better then post yours too (fucking swag) 


4) Compiled is uploading Source coming!

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