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Epidi den mou aresoun oi diloi , kai oi pseftes . Toulaxiston na paradexontai tin alitheia opws kai egw kapote to eixa kanei pou efyga apo maxcheater omws 3ana gyrisa kai zitisa sygnwmi apo kapia atoma , opws kai o k4rma ( pou eipe prin ) . Den einai oute flame , oute spam , gt opws blepete eimaste sto spam topic . Ola auta ta ekana giati alla3a poly tin gnwmi mou pros ton xxrxx .



( opou blepete auto simenei oti m milaei o xxrxx )


25/8/2008  5:36:03 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ® 


( kai opou blepete auto simenei oti milaw egw ston xxrxx )


25/8/2008  5:36:14 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]


opws vlepete eimai online opote auta peri fugis mou apo forum dn isxioun...


25/8/2008  5:36:03 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  anubis uploader

25/8/2008  5:36:03 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  fuck off

25/8/2008  5:36:14 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  λολ

25/8/2008  5:36:16 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ελεος...

25/8/2008  5:36:56 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  einai 2 mines member

25/8/2008  5:36:56 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  telos to mxc gia mena

25/8/2008  5:37:07 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  egw ti na pw re mlka

25/8/2008  5:37:09 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  p den me thelei kaneis

25/8/2008  5:37:12 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  diladi egw na spasw to pc ?

25/8/2008  5:37:13 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ara3e

25/8/2008  5:37:16 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  ekana log out

25/8/2008  5:37:21 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  last time itan simera

25/8/2008  5:37:23 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  bb oloi 

25/8/2008  5:37:26 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  eleos

25/8/2008  5:45:31 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  re mlka tetoio team dn exw ksanadei

25/8/2008  5:45:31 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  paw se allo site

25/8/2008  5:45:34 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  forum*

25/8/2008  5:45:47 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ....

25/8/2008  5:46:11 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  egw omws eimai 1 xrono kai dn einai kai oti kalutero na s lene alla kai alla na kanoun

25/8/2008  5:46:13 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  opote poulo

25/8/2008  5:46:17 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  tha vrw

25/8/2008  5:46:20 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  tosa uparxoun

25/8/2008  5:46:22 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  oxi me l2

25/8/2008  5:46:24 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  me kati allo

25/8/2008  5:46:43 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ;/

25/8/2008  5:56:11 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  esena sou eixane pei oti tha gineis gold member pali ? 

25/8/2008  5:57:42 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  oxi akrivws alla oloi ma oloi oi GL MODS mou exoun pei oti aksizw kati parapanw kai einai ola malakies, kaneis dn to ennoei kai kaneis dn me voithaei, oloi noiazontai mono gia ton eauto tous

25/8/2008  5:57:43 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  opote see ya

25/8/2008  5:57:59 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ;/

25/8/2008  5:58:05 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  den nomizw

25/8/2008  5:58:08 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  oti tha fygeis apo maxcheater

25/8/2008  5:58:09 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  tha to deis

25/8/2008  5:58:44 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  ok, kserw ti ennoeis, kai su tha to deis ;)

25/8/2008  5:58:49 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  kai gw etsi nomiza

25/8/2008  5:58:51 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  gt to exw ksanapei

25/8/2008  5:58:55 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  alla auti ti fora to MISO

25/8/2008  5:58:57 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  MISW*

25/8/2008  5:59:10 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ;/

25/8/2008  5:59:30 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  to exw ksanapei alli mia fora oti feugw alla auti ti fora to ennow

25/8/2008  5:59:31 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  pistepse me

25/8/2008  5:59:34 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  eimai sigouros

25/8/2008  6:00:01 μμ  ® Spyros ®  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  pff kk ;/

25/8/2008  6:00:19 μμ  [c=46][a=1]XxRxX[/a][/c]  ® Spyros ®  mporei na min to pisteueis tha to deis omws ;)


Lpn gatakia.... an arxisw k egw na vazw chat LOGS... exete kaei oloi ma oloi...


Dn kserw pios feygei k pios menei... Pantws poloi exouN ksefygei k sta karma rights ... k sto spam p einai k sto team.... Egw dn kanw ban's... Pantws an imoun admin 8a eixaN fygei polloi...




Twra oso afora auto to chat log..


Etc eixe fygei o demoniC soul k o thanos123... epeidi palia eixe ginei o vent gold member.

Ayto to 8ewrw teleiws anorimo. Zilia uparxei se auto to forum k mono zilia.... Oso kairo k aN katsete

osa accounts k an kanete pali idioi 8a eiste.


Auta apo emena,.


Hm..dn mporw na katalavw ti akrivws theleis apo mena file?... Kaneis ta idia oti kai me ton Stergo? (Mafia007)...An dn eixa kanei format tha edeixna kai gw chat logs sou pros olous kai pros ola...Alla ekana format gmt...Anyway polloi kseroun oti elega pws tha fugw..e kai? allaksa gnwmi kai dn efuga simainei kati?


Lpn gatakia.... an arxisw k egw na vazw chat LOGS... exete kaei oloi ma oloi...


Dn kserw pios feygei k pios menei... Pantws poloi exouN ksefygei k sta karma rights ... k sto spam p einai k sto team.... Egw dn kanw ban's... Pantws an imoun admin 8a eixaN fygei polloi...




Twra oso afora auto to chat log..


Etc eixe fygei o demoniC soul k o thanos123... epeidi palia eixe ginei o vent gold member.

Ayto to 8ewrw teleiws anorimo. Zilia uparxei se auto to forum k mono zilia.... Oso kairo k aN katsete

osa accounts k an kanete pali idioi 8a eiste.


Auta apo emena,.


den borw na dw kapia zilia sto post mou an boreis esy na deis estw kai mia pes to mou ;)


opws blepeis sto post mou lew oti den GOUSTARW tous deilous kai tous pseftes , einai zilia auto ? m fenete oti prepei na katalabeis tin diafora me tin zilia kai tin dilia ( panta filika milaw ) . Opws kai esy , opws kai egw eixame fygei apo to maxcheater omws 3ana gyrisame xwris psema kai xwris dilia .


LoL...Eleos..Dld prepi na dinw eksigiseis ti kanw? Pote gurizw kai pote feugw? OMG!

Kai btw auto to topic einai gia ta genethlia mou me poio dikaiwma postareis kai to xalas? :S :S




Katarxin emena 8a m milas kalutera.. kserw pl kala .. ti simainei deilos k ti simainei zilia...


Hmmm... otan egw eixa fygei file TheRulleZz.... Tha efeuga epeidi to eixa liwsei k eixa xasei filous M..

Oxi epeidi  me eixan - karma k epeidi kapoioi alloi p isws antipa8w mpikaN sto team. K btw auto egine prin 1 xrono... otan prwtoImoun member k kan dn iksera pws na to xrisimopoiw.... ase twra mn me kaneis na to vriskw gia na katalaveis k esy tn diafora.......


Oso gia tn zilia p dn uparxei.. mi mou girizeis ta mialia... k arxisw me ta bans..

Kserw poli kala ti diavasa...  k an dn zileues... dn 8a ekanes to reply .. etC sta ksafnika...

Oles oi pordes m 8eloun na mpoun k sto team ANTE... gatakia :P


Prosopika den thelw na bw sto team pistepse me den me niazei kan ;) apla fenete pws thelete na apofygete kati kai kanete lock to topic .


UNLOCKED... Gia pes mas..


LoL...Eleos..Dld prepi na dinw eksigiseis ti kanw? Pote gurizw kai pote feugw? OMG!

Kai btw auto to topic einai gia ta genethlia mou me poio dikaiwma postareis kai to xalas? :S :S


ela re parataton , den exei ti na kanei k asxoleite me tous allous , ti perimeneis ? astona na se ftasei sto epipedo p eise kai  na mathei to ti aksizeis k meta to syzhtame , oti ekane k se emena tha kanei k stous allous .. den exei ti nakanei k arxizei katebata.. oti goustarei kanei o xxrxx k o kathe xxrxx , k egw efeuga lew k eirtha back ..


kai exw kanei topic gia na bgw apo gold member , ean thelete auto na bgw na xareite!! ;D:D


TheruLLeZ katse na milisoume etC xalara...


Apla pes m 1 pragma mono...


Pes m enan LOGO p ekaneS REPLY auto to chat log...


Mn mou peis oti sou ti diNoun oi deiloi......

Dn mporeis na koimi8eis to vradi e ? Epeidi ksanagurise...


Plz pes m eNAn LOGO .. p kse8apses ta gene8lia k postares to chat log.

enan mono.. sovaro logo...


Ti epanw tous mwre ?   ;D


Ta sauridia pali flame warS 8eloune...


Btw theruLLeZ ?! Ti epa8es ? ZoristikaMe twra dn apantame...


Toulaxiston arxizeis ena flame war skepsou ti 8a peis prwta... P pas mwre anorganotoS ? ^^




Ante miliste na dw ti 8a peite..

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1: ✅ https://harbor.elmorelab.com ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1 - is an exclusive server of the Eternal C1 chronicles from the top project ElmoreLab Harbor.   A unique server of its kind, on which everyone will have maximum pleasure, such as oldschool players who dream of nostalgia and to feel the warmest and classic C1 chronicles, as well as experienced players who are tired of thousands unbalanced servers of late chronicles. Due to the professional corrections of the balance system and the HONEST gameplay system - on this server, EVERY player will feel like in their own, warm and cozy Harbor C1. Let's return to the origins of L2 - back to 2004 in C1! ❤️   ⭐ Server characteristics:   STRICTLY 1 window, NO BOXES Bans for RMT and bots/cheats No donations with benefits Unique and high-quality PTS-build from Master Toma Professional corrections and full class-balance Reworked economy and closed all abuses Improved animations and all aspects of the game Exclusive HD-client with high-quality textures Experienced administration and management Fixed all bugs, geodata, exploits and holes Maximum sociality due to the 1-box system Discovering, exploring and researching Big online International server Nostalgia and oldschool-feelings   Rates: x1 Server start: 14.02.2025   The server is at the final stages of development and preparation for release. Information on the server will be updated, soon the patchnotes and changes/edits will be posted. Don't miss the legendary and epic experience on the best server in the last 20 years! ❤️ Join our C1-forum with a lot of information about server and active discussions.   ⭐ Website: https://harbor.elmorelab.com   ✅ Forum: https://forum-harbor.elmorelab.com   💥 Telegram: https://t.me/l2harbor https://t.me/l2harbor_chat   ⚡ Discord: https://discord.gg/harborelmorelab
    • yeah ok, if you say what is fuctional 100% i can't say something different 😛  but if someone find hard to compile it or get vs and all that things i have here one more simple way here to put overlay in your own server or to change your window name with few money.
    • I've been using this for 2 years now with no issues from Discord. I don't use ogg.dll either. This one works with any l2.exe too; I don’t see any difference between them.
    • hmm.. ok i just see that, is different code first of all. My sources is totally different based in other way, with else libraries.  I have access to modify everything even to make the clock to stop show how many time users play in server. 1) so maybe keep some personal info more hide. 2) i dont use ogg.dll 3) i create it and give it ready + support to install it. Plus what is mine can working with what ever .exe you want not just l2 with same simple method. And i am sure if you try this source to compile it, after 3 hours discord will like shadowban your API too thats my source
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