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TheruLLeZ katse na milisoume etC xalara...


Apla pes m 1 pragma mono...


Pes m enan LOGO p ekaneS REPLY auto to chat log...


Mn mou peis oti sou ti diNoun oi deiloi......

Dn mporeis na koimi8eis to vradi e ? Epeidi ksanagurise...


Plz pes m eNAn LOGO .. p kse8apses ta gene8lia k postares to chat log.

enan mono.. sovaro logo...


Ti na kanoume file xxrxx , ta filarakia sou theloun na pw oli tin alitheia sorry ;)


Loipon o XxRxX aka IiIScreamIiI , benei me to account kai kanei post se alla topic px ston server tou filou tou , basika tou paliou tou filou  , kai leei pragmata pou mionoun ton server tou -JPG- AKA l2lover , episis ekane auto to topic gia na dei an ontws yparxoun atoma p ton stirizoun akoma , kai opws blepw ypraxoun pou einai oi klasikoi idioi pou den me pane katholou . Mafia_007 aka vent00za , k4rmarrows aka roben ton daswn , kai polloi alloi p borei na kanoun post . episis den GOUSTARW na leei tin mia oti misei to forum kai oti to team einai gamiseta , kai meta na benei o idios sto team . kai prosopika oute thelw na bgei apo to team oute tpt , alla afou to ftasate os edw prepei na ta pw ola . episis pragmata den mou kegete karfaki na bw sto team . me ta perisotera atoma apo to team milaw sto msn . episis kapote eimouna dev tou xxrxx , kai den me ypostirize pote borw na sas brw kai ena topic ( elege oti den prepei na kleboume tin douleia ton allon ktlp , enw o idios elege psemata kai den itane dikaios pote ) , oso gia sena mafia , pragmatika den me endiaferei ti les , opote adika grafeis . Gia sena k4rma kane oti thes .




opws thes na s milame me sabasmo to idio tha kaneis kai esy se emena k4rma


Ti na kanoume file xxrxx , ta filarakia sou theloun na pw oli tin alitheia sorry ;)


Loipon o XxRxX aka IiIScreamIiI , benei me to account kai kanei post se alla topic px ston server tou filou tou , basika tou paliou tou filou  , kai leei pragmata pou mionoun ton server tou -JPG- AKA l2lover , episis ekane auto to topic gia na dei an ontws yparxoun atoma p ton stirizoun akoma , kai opws blepw ypraxoun pou einai oi klasikoi idioi pou den me pane katholou . Mafia_007 aka vent00za , k4rmarrows aka roben ton daswn , kai polloi alloi p borei na kanoun post . episis den GOUSTARW na leei tin mia oti misei to forum kai oti to team einai gamiseta , kai meta na benei o idios sto team . kai prosopika oute thelw na bgei apo to team oute tpt , alla afou to ftasate os edw prepei na ta pw ola . episis pragmata den mou kegete karfaki na bw sto team . me ta perisotera atoma apo to team milaw sto msn . episis kapote eimouna dev tou xxrxx , kai den me ypostirize pote borw na sas brw kai ena topic ( elege oti den prepei na kleboume tin douleia ton allon ktlp , enw o idios elege psemata kai den itane dikaios pote ) , oso gia sena mafia , pragmatika den me endiaferei ti les , opote adika grafeis . Gia sena k4rma kane oti thes .




opws thes na s milame me sabasmo to idio tha kaneis kai esy se emena k4rma


esy kegese gia mas giauto ta arxinas , k egw mporw na s pw oti elege o xxrxx alla pragmatika tin parti m skeftome , xesmenous tous exw ollous ektos apo merika atoma! tous pragmatika filous!! saxlamares


a kaigomai kiolas ? kk exeis dikio .


auta pou mou ekanes me ta pseftika msgs , na bgw apo to team .... double box eixes k postares? kai alla posa topics pou les blakeies gia allous ..??? sou eipa gt ta kaneis kai oute apanthsh den pira. ... etc for fun e?


Ti na kanoume file xxrxx , ta filarakia sou theloun na pw oli tin alitheia sorry ;)


Loipon o XxRxX aka IiIScreamIiI , benei me to account kai kanei post se alla topic px ston server tou filou tou , basika tou paliou tou filou  , kai leei pragmata pou mionoun ton server tou -JPG- AKA l2lover , episis ekane auto to topic gia na dei an ontws yparxoun atoma p ton stirizoun akoma , kai opws blepw ypraxoun pou einai oi klasikoi idioi pou den me pane katholou . Mafia_007 aka vent00za , k4rmarrows aka roben ton daswn , kai polloi alloi p borei na kanoun post . episis den GOUSTARW na leei tin mia oti misei to forum kai oti to team einai gamiseta , kai meta na benei o idios sto team . kai prosopika oute thelw na bgei apo to team oute tpt , alla afou to ftasate os edw prepei na ta pw ola . episis pragmata den mou kegete karfaki na bw sto team . me ta perisotera atoma apo to team milaw sto msn . episis kapote eimouna dev tou xxrxx , kai den me ypostirize pote borw na sas brw kai ena topic ( elege oti den prepei na kleboume tin douleia ton allon ktlp , enw o idios elege psemata kai den itane dikaios pote ) , oso gia sena mafia , pragmatika den me endiaferei ti les , opote adika grafeis . Gia sena k4rma kane oti thes .




opws thes na s milame me sabasmo to idio tha kaneis kai esy se emena k4rma


Hm..Prwton dn eimai o IiIScreamIiI, (mporei kapoios na check tis IP)

Deuteron wraios eisai re, apo tin arxi imoun o monos pou se uperastizomoun se auto to forum kai pisteua oti eisai kalo paidi, alla telika @@....Anyway dn thelw na to sunexisw, kai oson afora ton JPG, eimaste filoi 3 xronia, ekeinos edw kai kapoious mines dn m milaei alla kai pali dn se afora ti tha kanw me ton Filo mou kai me ton kathe filo mou. An theleis na kaneis wars oxi edw kai oxi me mena pou apo tin arxi se stiriza...Omws prepei na paradextw oti o IiIScreamIiI einai apo to server mou....Dn kserw to logo pou postare auto gia to topic tou L2NJoy kai dn me afora sto katw katw


Alli ore3i den exw me esena tha asxoloume e ? re filarako katse diladi pws tin exeis dei ? sakis roubas ? niazomaste oli gia tin parti sou ? opws xestikes esy gia tous allous ?

xesmenous tous exw ollous


etsi xezomai kai egw gia sena akoma na to katalabeis ? oso gia ta pseftika pm den nomizw ;) allos kanei pisoplaties ;)


As arxisoume  ;D


Filaraki egw me tn xxrxx ? Rwta tn idio kalutera....

Dn upostirizw kanenaN... Tn ali8eia lew...


Katarin auto to forum exei gemisei klikes...  o ka8enas koitaei tn party t k mono....


Sevasmo ?! Milas esy gia sevasmo therulleZ  p  paizei na exeis ta pio polla flame war tou forum ?!

Egw mia xara irema milaw... Ti eiPa ? Saura ? gataki ? Tn ali8eia eipa... ZWA.. etC me fenete oti eiste..

gia na kaneis ka8e treis  k ligo... kainourgio flame war...



Oso gia to Roben ton dason iksera oti eisai asteios ala oxi k etC ax0ax0 :P




Alli ore3i den exw me esena tha asxoloume e ? re filarako katse diladi pws tin exeis dei ? sakis roubas ? niazomaste oli gia tin parti sou ? opws xestikes esy gia tous allous ?

etsi xezomai kai egw gia sena akoma na to katalabeis ? oso gia ta pseftika pm den nomizw ;) allos kanei pisoplaties ;)


thes to topic me ta pms pou egrafes enw den pira oute 1 pm ?


etsi xezomai kai egw gia sena akoma na to katalabeis ?


lew k egw ti bromaei!!!!! pouffff ;)


Hm..Prwton dn eimai o IiIScreamIiI, (mporei kapoios na check tis IP)

Deuteron wraios eisai re, apo tin arxi imoun o monos pou se uperastizomoun se auto to forum kai pisteua oti eisai kalo paidi, alla telika @@....Anyway dn thelw na to sunexisw, kai oson afora ton JPG, eimaste filoi 3 xronia, ekeinos edw kai kapoious mines dn m milaei alla kai pali dn se afora ti tha kanw me ton Filo mou kai me ton kathe filo mou. An theleis na kaneis wars oxi edw kai oxi me mena pou apo tin arxi se stiriza...Omws prepei na paradextw oti o IiIScreamIiI einai apo to server mou....Dn kserw to logo pou postare auto gia to topic tou L2NJoy kai dn me afora sto katw katw


kk o scream einai o mr.symptwsi , m les sto msn oti einai filos sou , twra m les oti einai enas aplos player ston server sou , apo auto to @xidi opws eipes oti eimai , zitages help .\



k4rma , zwo kai saura den tha me les emena , gt an arxisw kai egw na lew tha les , axx arxizw ban ban ban ban . to roben to daswn to eixa dei kapou sto maxcheater ara den eimai o monos p se lew etsi ^^


kk o scream einai o mr.symptwsi , m les sto msn oti einai filos sou , twra m les oti einai enas aplos player ston server sou , apo auto to @xidi opws eipes oti eimai , zitages help .


eime filos tou darkrage!!@#!! eime o god!! Aaaa


pali blakia eipes . atopo kai asxeto ;)


eimai o Mr.Java y0 y0 eimai g0d


egw tin eipa i esy ? opou milagame gia kati ebazes mesa ton darkrage ton theo !!x0axax


poios mr java? kserw java k den to ksera? y0y0


Δεν καταλαβα ο καθε μαλακας γινεται μελος για να γινει μελος της ομαδας του MaxCheaters? Αν νομιζεται ετσι κανατε μεγαλο λαθος!


k4rma , zwo kai saura den tha me les emena , gt an arxisw kai egw na lew tha les , axx arxizw ban ban ban ban . to roben to daswn to eixa dei kapou sto maxcheater ara den eimai o monos p se lew etsi ^^


Ti na arxiseis ? Ekanes to la8os idi k ekanes k allo flame war.. Dn 8a exoume emeis tis psolis sou ton xaba edw mesa ... K 8umisou to allo p eipa.. OSA ACCOUNTS K AN KANETE PALI IDIOI 8A MEINETE......


Kairos na isixasei to forum apo tis mlkies s.. ENOUGHHHH!!!


User TheRullez Banned.





<<TopiC LoCkeD>>

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    • Welcome to L2EpicFail Server developed by gamers for gamers!  OBT - 7th March 2024 at 18:00 GMT+0 GRAND OPENING - 14th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT+0 Website : https://l2epic.fail/ Discord : https://discord.gg/6hwhrkrHBG     Server Features and Rates Xp – 15x Sp – 9x Adena – 6x Drop – 2x Spoil - 2x Seal Stones drop -  3x   Epic Raid Boss drop - 1x Regular RBs - EXP 5x, SP 5x, drop 4x   Quest drop - 1x (some quests customized to 3x) Quest reward - 1x, Adena 3x, EXP 3x, SP 3x     Premium Account Xp +20% Sp +20% Adena +20% Drop +20% Spoil +20% Quest reward +20%   get by vote or donate World chat 20 times/day use ">" in chat. Buff Book outside of town. Applies to all accounts.     Special Features Classic interface ActiveAnticheat Vote System Missions Attendance check And more in information below     Noblesse There are 3 ways how to make noblesse 1 - Retail Quest with killing barakiel 2 - Modifed Quest, choose killing mobs for 100 items instead of barakiel 3 - Can be bought for Epic Coins     Raid Rank Killing regular Raids gives points according to the level of the RB to the clan of the player who killed the boss. At the end of every month, there will be rewards for top clans. For more info, follow our Discord.   monthly period killing RB = points to clan according to RB level rewards up to Valakas Necklace (not the first month) current statistics can be checked online     Epic Bosses & Respawns   Queen Ant 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 43 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% guards, nurses lvl 40   Orfen 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% earring gives +1 WIT, +1 INT   Core 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% ring gives +1 STR, +1 DEX   Zaken 44 - 54 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max A grade) doors opened only 5 mins HP boosted   Baium Every Sunday 20:30 - 21:30 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (13 - 14th ToI level) regular HP   Frintezza Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 - 21:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (all IT entrance) max 5 parties to entry max 500 range from NPC   Antharas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (bridge to heart)   Valakas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (Klein to heart)   every Epic RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level x 10     Regular Bosses all regular RBs HP boosted M. def boosted a bit to give advantage to fighters all regular RBs respawn 24 - 30 hours every RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level     Added Skills Mass Sweep - All Bounty Hunters 40+ Block Buff - All Characters, toggle Escape: 20 seconds - All Characters, no more SoEs   Skills autolearn. Losing skills after 16 levels of delevel. Max buffs 24 + 4 with books (no autolearn)     Augments NoGrade - 4% chance MidGrade - 5% chance HighGrade - 7% chance TopGrade - 6% chance   GM shop weapon/armor/jwl (max C grade) shots/spiritshots (max C grade) mana potions (500 MP, 5s)     NPC buffer all buffs, songs, dances including 3rd prof + resists 1 hour duration all chars Buff Book in inventory     Global Gatekeeper all towns including cata/necro ToI 3/5/7/10th     Olympiad Thursday to Saturday 18:00 - 23:50 UTC+0 period 7 days no class participants min 5 base class participants min 10 max enchant +6     Class Transfer 1st class 50k adena 2nd class 500k adena 3rd class 20kk adena + 700 Halisha marks (tradeable)     Noblesse Quest Quest retail like. Moonstone Shards, Demons Blood etc. quest drop boosted     Subclass Quest To get the quest, you have to be 75+ on your main character (start Reorin in Giran) Bring item from Cabrio chest Bring items from Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda chests Bring this back to Reorin Bring 984 B-grade crystals and top B weapon to Reorin Get low A-grade weapon as reward Done , you can take subclass (up to 5) from any Master in town     Clans all clan members get clan skills (no need for titles) max clan slots 65, max ppl in PvP zone 63 leave/dismiss penalty 0 hours max clans in ally 3     Others   max 3 windows per HWID (only one in PvP zone) protection after teleport for 20 seconds arrows and spellbooks drop turned off weight limit 10x, stackable enchants and LS champions blue (5x HP) min level for trade = 40, chat = 20 BoM/MoM spawned in towns Edited November 1, 2024 by NevesOma
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