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interlude [L2Off] Fallen L2


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Fallen L2  COMING OCTOBER 11th 2014 1800 GMT-0   BETA OPEN THIS WEEK

SUBSTACK 25x Interlude L2off


We are going to be very "official like" with a few custom things (Aside from stack sub system).

You will get to see what a "Hell Spawn" is, and I guarantee you will be in love with the concept (Who doesn't like running HUGE trains in L2!?)

Mana potions will be voted on by you, the players.


Fluent English & Spanish speaking dev team
First server in a long time to focus on you, the player. We are here to build the largest Substack server you can find. All while following the players requests and keeping everything fair. Dev team has been working on L2 since C1 and are very talented.

Launch Date: October 11 (Saturday) @ 1800 GMT -0
Server Platform: L2off Interlude

Rates: Exp: 25x SP: 25x Adena: 35x
Offline Shops (24 hours)
Auto Loot (Not on Raids)
1st & 2nd class change item in shop
Retail Subclass/Nobleless Quests

2nd class spellbooks in shop
Top C In LUX Shop
Farm rest of gear!

Retail PP/SE/EE/WC/OL (20 min) 
5 min Dance/Song/Prophecies
Buffer @ all starting towns
(Free buffs until level 58 only)

Safe +3
Max +20

Custom Work:
Sub Stack (1 + 1 same race) custom quest
Hell Spawns
Epic Boss has chance to drop BOGs
Spawn Protection
All Mobs show drops/spoil
Exp OFF command

All donations will be fair, nothing game altering
VIP status option for some bonus to adena drop/spoil rate, etc.
ALL Donations will be in USD. Cheaper for you EU!

Forum: http://www.FallenL2.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FallensL2

Edited by Sergeant
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Finally sub stack. Any open/closed beta planned? What about live? Please share some dates, thank you !

beta within the next couple weeks, server is online and were doing some tweaks. Live will be in October, actual day to be determined. Spread the word, help us recruit! Facebook promos running now.

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A little more information...


Our sub stack system is fully customized, nothing like you've seen on another Stack server.

It's the "same" 1 + 1 class system (same race), and yes you can still retail sub and stack it as well..

But our PROCESS of becoming subbed is totally different.

You can take a quest at level 60 that will send you to a zone (You will know the zone when we launch, a surprise) to collect your first item for sub class. 

At level 70 you can get the second item, and the third after 75.

If you don't want to do this quest, you can get a group and kill 1 of 6 different bosses that have a chance of dropping the full subclass item, and an even higher chance of dropping one of the three required parts to make the full item.

It should be a blast, I'm sure everyone will enjoy it.

More stuff to come soon! Head on over to our facebook or forum and get in on our promos we have running. Lots of free stuff before launch!

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A little more information...


Our sub stack system is fully customized, nothing like you've seen on another Stack server.

It's the "same" 1 + 1 class system (same race), and yes you can still retail sub and stack it as well..

But our PROCESS of becoming subbed is totally different.

You can take a quest at level 60 that will send you to a zone (You will know the zone when we launch, a surprise) to collect your first item for sub class. 

At level 70 you can get the second item, and the third after 75.

If you don't want to do this quest, you can get a group and kill 1 of 6 different bosses that have a chance of dropping the full subclass item, and an even higher chance of dropping one of the three required parts to make the full item.

It should be a blast, I'm sure everyone will enjoy it.

More stuff to come soon! Head on over to our facebook or forum and get in on our promos we have running. Lots of free stuff before launch!

nice m8, +1


what about www? It doesnt work for me

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nice m8, +1


what about www? It doesnt work for me

If you type it into your browser, it works. I do not know why it's not working on this website as it works everywhere else.


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Care to explain? Because this project is very serious. Unless your just trolling, in that case move along!

Excited to launch beta Friday, hope to see some of you there!

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na i'll be there probably not at friday but i'll try it. i just mentioned that this topic compared to some other topics look way shitty even tho if its more serious project.

and also write SUBSTACK to the tittle so ppl gonna know it

Edited by anhel00
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