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Two Questions, 1 Cup [Full Hd]



Hello sweeties! I would like to notice before i ask, the fact that my knowledge is limited.

I used to do things on IT but months ago i moved to ct2.5 chronicle (Freya) and things look somehow different! Therefore:


I want to know how is possible to make Spawn mobs (no quest),

I see it look like this

public void wave1(???)
		L2NpcTemplate template1;
		L2Spawn tempSpawn;
		tempSpawn = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(tempSpawn);
		tempSpawn = new L2Spawn(template1);
		SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(tempSpawn, false);
		tempSpawn = spawn(106037, 114816, -1587);

As i remember but on Freya this no work... so i want to know how to make a spawn in specific X-Y-Z Location with specific ammount, heading

and these *2nd question* mobs target an player once they spawn, so how the code should be?


*Thansk in advance!

Edited by Akatalilh
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I trully hope you are speaking about my avatar.

So i look up and i found this

public void wave1(final L2PcInstance player)
		final L2Spawn spawn = new L2Spawn(555);

So lets say i want make an event with timer and every 30 second spawn several mobs to 1 place and attack the player inside the room

Question 1: How to make the monster that spawn to attack (force) the player

Question 2: If these mobs does not die (or even die) they will spawn again like normal mobs? cause if i make this like event even if player kill them after x sec they will respawn.. 

                    i want them to spawn 1 and once die they dissapear 


Thanks in advance, you are the best

Sincerely - Me



Ps. also this line new (L2Spawn(555)) give error  ( The constructor L2Spawn(int) is undefined )

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So i look up and i found this

public void wave1(final L2PcInstance player)
		final L2Spawn spawn = new L2Spawn(555);

So lets say i want make an event with timer and every 30 second spawn several mobs to 1 place and attack the player inside the room

Question 1: How to make the monster that spawn to attack (force) the player

Question 2: If these mobs does not die (or even die) they will spawn again like normal mobs? cause if i make this like event even if player kill them after x sec they will respawn.. 

                    i want them to spawn 1 and once die they dissapear 


Thanks in advance, you are the best

Sincerely - Me



Ps. also this line new (L2Spawn(555)) give error  ( The constructor L2Spawn(int) is undefined )

Seriously some help and if u ever need graphic design or video for me it will be my pleasure!

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  • addNewSpawn( second parameter holds the respawn system. If false, no matter the respawn time you set, it won't respawn (single spawn). You don't have to setRespawnDelay( aswell (I think ? Otherwise set it...). You also have to spawn.stopRespawn();
  • new L2Spawn( parameter must be a L2NpcTemplate, not an int.


Did you read the spawnMonster( method on AdminSpawn ? You should.

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  • addNewSpawn( second parameter holds the respawn system. If false, no matter the respawn time you set, it won't respawn (single spawn). You don't have to setRespawnDelay( aswell (I think ? Otherwise set it...). You also have to spawn.stopRespawn();
  • new L2Spawn( parameter must be a L2NpcTemplate, not an int.


Did you read the spawnMonster( method on AdminSpawn ? You should.


I'm sorry for make you crazy... but i really stuck on this i know it sound like i'm totaly fail but could u make e full example only from spawn? the idea i really own you.. thanks... waiting


Ps. i say full example cause even if u say L2NpcTemplate if i dont see how the full code is to understand i... fail. and keep posting u im sorry!!

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I found this

public L2Npc wave1(final int npcId, final Location loc)
		final L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);
		if (template != null)
			L2Spawn spawnDat;
				spawnDat = new L2Spawn(template);
				return spawnDat.spawnOne(false);
			catch (final Exception e)
				return null;
			return null;

But i cant understand what it spawn where the ID

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This function is called like:

wave1(npcId, loc);

after that it gets the information from the npctable with this:

final L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);

xyz are setted based on loc used while calling the function (see first code) and setted here:


Edited by Asmodeus
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This function is called like:

wave1(npcId, loc);

after that it gets the information from the npctable with this:

final L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);

xyz are setted based on loc used while calling the function (see first code) and setted here:




Ok i give it a try i changed to final L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(755); ex

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