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Strange Problem With Effect Of Sacredium And Contristo Hammer

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Hello i make some weapons and first time i see that problem and i dont know what i make wrong or what is the problem first of all i take the Data of Weapongroup.dat of sacredium and of Contristo Hammer


I copy the data exactly the same here is the data original

0	15551	3	1	15	5	0	LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr			LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	icon.weapon_sacredumors_i00					-1	1080	13	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_wp		2		2	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01			4	ItemSound.spear_5	ItemSound.staff_2	ItemSound.spear_6	ItemSound.spear_9	ItemSound.itemdrop_staff	ItemSound.itemequip_staff		20	350	256	2	7	4	4	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u005		-14.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.69999999	0.30000001						LineageWeapons.rangesample		0.80000001	0.80000001	0.80000001	17.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							5	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1				

and here is the data who i make the only think who i change is the ID only for example 15551

0	30022	3	1	15	5	0	LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr			LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	icon.weapon_sacredumors_i01					-1	1080	13	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_wp		2		2	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01			4	ItemSound.spear_5	ItemSound.staff_2	ItemSound.spear_6	ItemSound.spear_9	ItemSound.itemdrop_staff	ItemSound.itemequip_staff		20	350	256	2	7	4	4	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u005		-14.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.69999999	0.30000001						LineageWeapons.rangesample		0.80000001	0.80000001	0.80000001	17.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							5	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1				

and here is what problem i have


The originals Weapons



ante here is the Weapons with change ID only




As i notice the Animation Textures dont diplay i mean the Rotation Animations

I dont touch nothing only the ID'S of Weapons on WeaponGroup.dat

Can anyone tell me why this happen and help me for a solution with that?
First time i see that :D


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After many tests in original data weapongroup i figure out after i erase all the 




and LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01


i left only LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr

On ORIGINAL ID DATA i see only the orb animation make cycles etc etc

when i try to add only the LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr on my custom weapon i cant see nothing Why this Happend whats going on?

Edited by Dante44®
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guys ! , isn't this the case where you need to use an hexeditor on .u file ?

there are some dev weapons, and if you import them in another id they don't work !

So as u say i must edit Editor.u with hex editor and copy paste my data correct?




Edit What and where???Be more specific plz

Edited by Dante44®
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the problem is use dual mesh, no only one, and anyway this weapons contain animations parts, I mean PSA, so if you can't build weapons with UT2004 patch by gildor is unsless.

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you need this 3 files.



Thanks for files but really dont have clue what to do with that filles

sorry :(

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i tink the animating mesh is linked and set to the id of the weapon to make that animation in one of the .u files

i dont have an exact info about this, so im not 100% exact about this !

Edited by puredemonsss
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