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Posted (edited)

For High Five, L2j


Here it comes Shot The Dog Event.


Players are divided in two teams and they must fight transformed in Sniper Dogs with their Event Skills. In every kill they'll win Dollar Dogs, that they must use in the same Event to buy more powerful skills. The team that kill more enemies will won.



- If you are interested

- If you have any question about the Event

- If you wanna test it alone or with friends,  you can of course!
Contact with me with a private message

or in my skype: krisydea


[some photos attached at the post, soon more]






[Video soon]


Event full configurable:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Laszlo Events Config
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Be sure you have "CustomNpcTable" and "CustomSkillsLoad" in true values, check your General.properties file.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shot The Dog Event
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable Event. Disable for not use.
# Default: true
ShooterEventEnable = true

# Define your event language (htmls and system messages. For skills description use the correct skillname-e).
# Default: english
# Avaiable Options: english, spanish
ShooterEventLang = english

# If it is true, the event will start automatically at scheduled hours, set in "STDEventInterval" values.
# Default: false
ShooterEventAutomatic = true

# Times Shot The Dog will occur (24h format).
STDEventInterval = 16:20,15:45

# If the value is true, the script will create predeterminated instances (max 5) and replace the players in those if ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance exceeds the own value.
# NOTE: if the value is false, all the participants will be in the same place. Use true to avoid innecessary aglomeration.
# Default: true
ShooterEventMultipleInstance = true

# Allow the players to see the features of the event in the inscription NPC (max-min players, max-min levels, prizes...) 
# Default: true
ShooterEventFeatureView = true

# Num of minimun Participants 
# Default: 2
ShooterEventParticipantsMin = 2

# Num of maxim Participants in total. 
# Default: 200
ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal = 200

# If the value is true, there will be a max-min level for the inscription. 
# Default: true
ShooterEventLevelLimit = true
# if you don't want max level limit, write 99
ShooterEventLevelLimitMax = 99
ShooterEventLevelLimitMin = 40

# Num of maxim Participants in each instance. If the num of players exceeds this value, the script will redirect a equal num of players in differents event instances, to avoid inneccessary algomeration
# NOTE: There are max five event instances for this event. Shot The Dog Event works properly if the math relation beetwen ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal and ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance is 5
# Default: 40
ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance = 4

# Reward ID
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardId = 57

# Reward Quantity
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuant = 10000

# Reward for loser Team. If it is true, it will give a reward to the loser team
# Default: false
ShooterEventEnableRewardLoser = true

# Reward ID for loser Team
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardIdLoser = 57

# Reward Quantity for loser Team
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuantLoser = 1

# Reward for event ended in Tie. If it is true, both teams will have reward
# Default: false
ShooterEventEnableRewardTie = true

# Reward ID for Tie situation
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardIdTie = 57

# Reward Quantity for Tie situation
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuantTie = 100

#Inscription time once start announcments (in mseconds)
# Default: 600000 (10 minuts)
ShooterEventInscriptionTime = 600000

#Time to prepare party and skills once the event has started (in mseconds). Can't be inferior than 5.
# Default: 30000 (30 seconds.)
ShooterEventPreparationTime = 30000

#Duration of the Event (in mseconds)
# Default: 600000 (10 minuts)
ShooterEventProcessTime = 600000

#Time that allows the player view the stadistics of the event when it has ended (in mseconds). 
# Default: 300000 (5 minuts.)
ShooterEventStadisticsTime = 300000

# Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]
# Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049
# Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681
# Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151
ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049
ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681
ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151

# Fire Friend (only skills) in Shot The Dog Event
# Default: false
ShooterEventFireFriend = false

Price: 10 €

and for free:

- Any support about our scripts

- Any update about the bought script


For payament mode, contact with me

with a private message

or in my skype: krisydea


More Events will come soon!




Laszlo's Developers

Edited by kuriku

what is the place in that photo?


# Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]

# Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049

# Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681

# Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151

ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049

ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681

ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151


# Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]

# Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049

# Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681

# Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151

ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049

ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681

ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151

oh, sorry i don't read my very bad.


Thanks WingChun ^^

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