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This is a really great bug.This bug is called “WallPray“. That’s the name of the bug because the method consist on using the skill “Pray” behind the castle walls.

1.First of all you need to be a clan leader.

2.Then you need to take down a castle wall or gate.

3.When you’re inside the castle area type: /target name_of_the_artifact and use the “Pray” skill.

4.The bar will start loading and when it reaches the end, the castle is yours!

Now you just need to defend it. Don’t let anyone get near the castle or they will also use the bug.




you get ban for sure from gm(if they do theyr jobs). people tell on you for sure :P


No necessary    I or some friend have try this bug when  gm is on  and he told us that is a good way to win sieges !!


Too old, and ye it's already posted, anyway

It's working almost in everyserver except in the servers with geodata, and old school servers.

Anyway it's not such a bug or exploit it's like wallhiting, you are siting behind the wall and start praying.



Too old, and ye it's already posted, anyway

It's working almost in everyserver except in the servers with geodata, and old school servers.

Anyway it's not such a bug or exploit it's like wallhiting, you are siting behind the wall and start praying.




Yes I know that is already posted but know what can i do????      Also  I agree 100 % with your opinion !!


No necessary    I or some friend have try this bug when  gm is on  and he told us that is a good way to win sieges !!

lolserver, anyways great bug for low populated servers


Yes I have checked it at L2core Pvp server and works 100%  whit this way we get Aden Castle!!!!!!!!!!!

with this words i undestand that u are pagiavri...

1st off all u have made 2 topics(bugs)which are allready posted...

NeXt TiMe Report for spam..

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