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(Exploits)New Year present for NON russian cheaters :)


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ups sorry guys




having so much work here ;)






ok ... i didn't finish translating it - in fact ti's quite interesting




this is what i did by now






OK cloning




The basic method:




1. using walker you login putting Manual (in char select menu) but don’t choose anyone and press logout


2. now change char select menu to the char you need to clone and press login


3. now select the char again from a manual select menu which was left from the step 1 and press login


4. you get a clone of that char






this way is mostly fixed on all servers this is how they fix it




There are 4 fixies.




1. monitoring the manual logging of charrs


2. forbidding manual logging if you’re logged already with some charr


3. forbidding trading of charr with himself


4. complete fix (gives a message @enter char failed@ when trying to clone




Other fixies which help to avoid cloning:


- char is deleted without delay




Other scripts that which help to avoid cloning:


1) autoban for cloning


2) autoban when trying to buy from the same char


3) script monitoring the chars with big amount of adena res or items with same ID


4) script monitoring chars with large amount of logins per day






FIX 1 Bypass




1) set a private stroe with walker (manual select window open)


2) press ENTER in MANUAL on Char1 (he must be first in the list and the only one on acc)


3) Press LOGOUT before the walker kicks you himself




With this bypass you can dupe and make multiproff bug




FIX 2 Bypass (only done in client)


Обход фикса клона 2


1) we login in client


2) in char select menu we make a one-more char and select him


3) then we press DELETE him and say YES


4) There is a delay (2-3 sec) before a char sits for deletion and during it you must click start button


6) So you haven’t seen how your char set down on deleting


7) we see the following – our char standing and all the buttons START, DELETE, RELOGIN


8) in menu on the left you choose char 1 and press START


9) char logs in and clones




With fix 2 bypass you can’t dupe but can use a multiproff bug




FIX 3 bypass


1) there should be 2 chars on acc


2) enter with char 1 and set a shop


3) enter with char 2


4) char 1 is still in game


5) we come to char 1 and put things we want to buy dow and press ok


6) we enter with char 1


7) press "ок"

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Fix 1 +3 bypass




1. you must have 2 chars on account


2. Login manual don’t close the char select window – logout and login again with char 1


3. log through manual with char 1 and imideately press logout


4. login with char 2


5. char 1 is still in game




Dupe is working with this method






Fix 4




The fix is that instead of just closing the user socket this calls leaveworld also making clone not work any longer






So the idea of bypass is to quickly press logaut and login again




14:28:13 Link LoginServer Succeed.


14:28:22 Login LoginServer Succeed.


14:28:27 Link GameServer Succeed.


14:28:32 ->Enter Char[7]. <======= logout here




Then server don’t have time to check and kick clone




PS… From myself - I don’t have it saved but I remember there was a discussion about this fix4


And it was about this leaveworld command – like you can edint engine.dll somehow to make this command not work to bypass this fix




Maybe you can develop this idea

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Basic clone is fixed i guess everywhere on privates :) (maddaemon said it works on off ;)




but fixes bypasses work on many servers




first of all you should figure out what fix you have


if it's fix 2 you can make a multiproffession bug




the most complicated is fix 4 but for sure thereis some bypass

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