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Raid Boss Level Change



i have tryed alot of things and mostly npcdata.txt to change the example of cabrio level but i cand ingame still hes not changed and i see it blue for example i searched ai/txt/and some db as far im searching about 6 hours and i finally asking for help.

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Posted (edited)

bigmac i have seen it work..

and since its working with the simple buffs (no effect)

why it shouldnt with effects ^_^ there must be a way im optimist


solved via pm.

Edited by Nightw0lf
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Vanganth files :


Cabrio's line from npcdata :

npc_begin	boss	25035	[domb_death_cabrio]	level=70	acquire_exp_rate=391	acquire_sp=918808	unsowing=1	clan={@raid_clan}	ignore_clan_list={}	clan_help_range=300	slot_chest=[]	slot_rhand=[life_stick]	slot_lhand=[]	shield_defense_rate=0	shield_defense=0	skill_list={@s_npc_raid_boss_reward;@s_raid_boss_domb_death_cabrio;@s_race_demons;@s_evil_attack;@s_npc_resist_unholy5;@s_full_magic_defence}	npc_ai={[domb_death_cabrio];{[Privates]=[cabrio_captor:cabrio_captor:1:6min;cabrio_captor:cabrio_captor:1:6min;cabrio_captor:cabrio_captor:1:6min;cabrio_blader:cabrio_blader:1:6min;cabrio_blader:cabrio_blader:1:6min]};{[RaidSpawnMusic]=[Rm01_A]};{[PhysicalSpecial_b]=@s_stun_attack_boss_b_2a_7}}	category={}	race=demonic	sex=male	undying=0	can_be_attacked=1	corpse_time=7	no_sleep_mode=1	agro_range=1000	ground_high={170;0;0}	ground_low={70;0;0}	exp=429634524	org_hp=373386.071242416	org_hp_regen=117.68436242886	org_mp=1345.8	org_mp_regen=2.7	collision_radius={18;18}	collision_height={63;63}	str=60	int=76	dex=73	wit=70	con=57	men=80	base_attack_type=blunt	base_attack_range=40	base_damage_range={0;0;80;120}	base_rand_dam=50	base_physical_attack=2154.88111713047	base_critical=1	physical_hit_modify=9	base_attack_speed=253	base_reuse_delay=0	base_magic_attack=717.403871261232	base_defend=887.74791	base_magic_defend=433.08	physical_avoid_modify=-18	soulshot_count=0	spiritshot_count=0	hit_time_factor=0.74	item_make_list={}	corpse_make_list={}	additional_make_list={}	additional_make_multi_list={{{{[sealed_gloves_of_nightmare];1;1;25};{[sealed_boots_of_nightmare];1;1;25};{[sealed_magestic_gloves];1;1;25};{[sealed_magestic_boots];1;1;25}};47.8648};{{{[sealed_magestic_boots_lining];293;877;3.84989};{[sealed_boots_of_nightmare_lining];116;346;9.74947};{[sealed_magestic_gloves_design];192;576;5.865};{[sealed_gloves_of_nightmare_design];60;180;18.7676};{[blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s];1;1;0.92201};{[scrl_of_ench_wp_s];1;1;5.53145};{[scrl_of_ench_am_s];1;1;55.3145}};78.9684};{{{[skull_of_the_dead_a_grade1];1;3;33.3333};{[destruction_tombstone1];3;9;33.3333};{[sb_divine_inspiration_original_language_version];1;1;33.3333}};75};{{{[sb_divine_inspiration_original_language_version];1;1;75}};100}}	hp_increase=0	mp_increase=0	safe_height=100	npc_end

Do you see the part with :


If you do then this is what you have to mod, for example find "uruka" or "longhorn_golkonda" line, find on one of these raids the "exp=...." and replace to your Cabrio raid line. Eventually do that for the minion aswell so they wont curse the shit out of the players.

As last words you could also mod his stats...such as def/patk etc etc...to match up his level...this depends if you want this or not.


I hope it helps mate, for any other issues just ask and i'll help out if needed.


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dude i just freaked out o....m.....g...

3 questions

where i change the speed of mobs

why i cant add in my buffer only dance/song/berserker skills with effects? (all the others work,tryed new skills/copy paste skills/other ids/nothing)

how i can add a skill on mobs (thats a litle newby question but i stucked)


thats my main problems that i look for..

  • 0
Posted (edited)

dude i just freaked out o....m.....g...

3 questions

where i change the speed of mobs

why i cant add in my buffer only dance/song/berserker skills with effects? (all the others work,tryed new skills/copy paste skills/other ids/nothing)

how i can add a skill on mobs (thats a litle newby question but i stucked)


thats my main problems that i look for..

Speed of mobs :


Every raid has a skill list (npcdata of course), find or create a speed skill and just add it there - dont forget to parse it)

Or you can try as i did once, to add a raid self buff :


(its a example)

You can replace with a wind walk buff/skill for example....just the ideea...you'll figure it out.

Also you might already know that speed is dexterity wise related, you could increase the "DEX" of the raid, and for sure it will increase the attack speed and aswell for the running speed.


What do you mean by skill with effects ? You mean the buffer to show animation when he provides the buff to the player ? Or just to give the buff and the buff to work ? Didnt quite understood your point.


For question three, it was answered in the 1st answer a little above.

Is also valid for passive rb skills/active buffs/debuffs - can include cancel or paralize or any other existing skill in the l2 database.

As perfect example, check uruka line :

npc_begin	boss	25527	[uruka]	level=80	acquire_exp_rate=476.7468	acquire_sp=952059	unsowing=1	clan={@raid_clan}	ignore_clan_list={}	clan_help_range=300	slot_chest=[]	slot_rhand=[]	slot_lhand=[]	shield_defense_rate=0	shield_defense=0	skill_list={@s_npc_raid_boss_reward;@s_raid_boss_level_86;@s_race_humanoids;@s_full_magic_defence}	npc_ai={[uruka];{[RaidSpawnMusic]=[Rm01_A]};{[SelfRangeCancel_a]=@s_self_range_cancel_boss_a_3};{[SelfBuff_a]=@s_might_boss_a_4};{[PhysicalSpecial_a]=@s_power_strike_boss_a_1a_5};{[SelfRangePhysicalSpecial_a]=@s_thunder_storm_boss_a_5}}	category={}	race=humanoid	sex=male	undying=0	can_be_attacked=1	corpse_time=7	no_sleep_mode=1	agro_range=1000	ground_high={190;0;0}	ground_low={60;0;0}	exp=2099325835	org_hp=675862.82488359	org_hp_regen=259.751563024682	org_mp=203.52	org_mp_regen=3.18	collision_radius={30;30}	collision_height={42.5105;42.5105}	str=60	int=76	dex=73	wit=70	con=57	men=80	base_attack_type=fist	base_attack_range=40	base_damage_range={0;0;80;120}	base_rand_dam=50	base_physical_attack=3068.49967024509	base_critical=1	physical_hit_modify=9	base_attack_speed=253	base_reuse_delay=0	base_magic_attack=1381.13520659718	base_defend=1162.672236	base_magic_defend=567.1848	physical_avoid_modify=-12	soulshot_count=0	spiritshot_count=0	hit_time_factor=0.6	item_make_list={}	corpse_make_list={}	additional_make_list={}	additional_make_multi_list={{{{[sealed_sanddragon_s_earing];1;1;5.9961};{[sealed_ring_of_aurakyria];1;1;8.9942};{[sealed_dragon_necklace];1;1;4.4961};{[sealed_sanddragon_s_earing_piece];81;243;11.8869};{[sealed_ring_of_aurakyria_gem];40;120;26.71};{[sealed_dragon_necklace_wire];14;42;41.9167}};49.4563};{{{[basalt_battlehammer];1;1;0.3713};{[imperial_staff];1;1;0.3713};{[dragon_hunter_axe];1;1;0.3713};{[arcana_mace];1;1;0.3713};{[basalt_battlehammer_head];2;6;42.0931};{[piece_of_imperial_staff];11;31;8.1873};{[dragon_hunter_axe_blade];6;18;14.5597};{[arcana_mace_head];3;7;33.6747}};68.7123}}	hp_increase=0	mp_increase=0	safe_height=100	npc_end

It has everything you need as a guidance referee


Sorry for the delay answers, but im working and im available only in evenings a little while

Edited by rfsbqq
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Posted (edited)


So your solution to increase speed is to create an ENTIRELY new skill that has the p_speed effect - and THEN add said passive skill to a monster.

...despite the fact base speeds can be changed in every single NPCData line?



ground_high={130;0;0}    ground_low={72;0;0} controls the walking \ "below water walking" speeds.

Can't actually remember the 2nd \ 3rd params but since they're virtually always null i'd leave them at that and just change first param values there.

Or if you must know test\research yourself.




target_type = self    affect_scope = party


Can't have an npc cast a skill on a different target - where skill is predefined to work on the caster ONLY.


Your textbook 101 buffer AI issues.



In order to give a monster a skill it depends on wether it's a passive boost - or a skill that needs to be cast in certain conditions.

The entire AI.obj is structured with AI code that controls the behaviour of all monsters, including but not limited to when they cast skills.

Params like "PhysicalSpecial_a" point to a skill_pch id via @name that is set to be cast during certain conditions.


If you want to add a entirely new condition where a Monster should cast a skill... write your own AI.

There's a big chance however that one of the AI classes for monsters have pre-written AI to match your need to make it cast skills.

Some cast 1 buff, others cast 2 - some cast 3 offensive\attack skills and others only Debuffs on players.


You'll have to check and see if you can find a pre-written matching Type.

Edited by mcbigmac
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@mc : You are right in what you said, but what i mentioned works too, is also a solution for his issue. (in a way)

Also i didnt knew that "ground_high/low" is speed wise setting... im learning new stuff every day ( im a human ^^ )

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thank you for the answers about the buffer i mean yes to show the animation.

1 written the code in ai for all buffs with cast a skill with animation

2 all works except: dances/songs/Berserker.... this skills is not casted at all

  • 0

thank you for the answers about the buffer i mean yes to show the animation.

1 written the code in ai for all buffs with cast a skill with animation

2 all works except: dances/songs/Berserker.... this skills is not casted at all

I have somewhere stored the AI code the suits your needs, altho i cannot promise anything about this, if i will find it i will share it here no problems.

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bigmac i have seen it work..

and since its working with the simple buffs (no effect)

why it shouldnt with effects ^_^ there must be a way im optimist


solved via pm.



Post the solution then.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Then show your skill and AI data.


Your incredibly backwards and neanderthalic when you don't share what you've done.





I already posted the solution - but apparently your so daft (yes stupid or\and unable to specify your problem) that you don't notice.



I don't know what's sadder.

Edited by mcbigmac
  • 0
Posted (edited)

HIgh expectations, high attitude.

Get a chill pill.


Idiot passive aggressive newbieness that cannot read.



1. He's got a target issue in data (no effect)

2. He's forgot skillgrp\client (no animation)




First solution presented over 24 hours ago, you and the below average intelligence group don't notice or don't read.

Ability to comprehend and react to given critical information, zero.

Edited by mcbigmac
  • 0

bicmac your attitude is bad.. your solution is in "your language" i really could not understand a thing of what you said, as i said im not dev i dont know some frases and im not good in english so i could not catch what you said but some others helped by giving example thats not my bad thats your bad. the "solved via pm" was search about a pack called "blabla" it have this buffer... so i searched the internet and i found a random buffer that worked. thats all.

now if you come to show me your skill level you must be pathetic guy, solve your issues and be a man its not a street here im not your pal and i didnt call you names, learn to respect others even if they are dump you dont have to call them names. i see everybody have a problem with you in your "answers" if you want to flame in each of my post then DONT ANSWER IT you DONT HELP.

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    • I've been using this for 2 years now with no issues from Discord. I don't use ogg.dll either. This one works with any l2.exe too; I don’t see any difference between them.
    • hmm.. ok i just see that, is different code first of all. My sources is totally different based in other way, with else libraries.  I have access to modify everything even to make the clock to stop show how many time users play in server. 1) so maybe keep some personal info more hide. 2) i dont use ogg.dll 3) i create it and give it ready + support to install it. Plus what is mine can working with what ever .exe you want not just l2 with same simple method. And i am sure if you try this source to compile it, after 3 hours discord will like shadowban your API too thats my source
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