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[Share] Cheat Integrator

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The program is designed to ensure that a code to embed the map.

In fact, I hardly explain this to you

Try it yourself.


This command`s for: CheatPack (Тамерлан,


(Requires no unit selection)
-bindevent,uevent# # S(#player #event Sstring, feel free to bind as many events as you want ^^)
-gold# #
-lumber ##
-nocd #
-mana #
-cpos # (makes camera follow #players unit)
-nocpos (turns off cpos)
-camera (resets camera)
-rf#(expecting 2 digits)
-food # # (2player, 3food)
-nofo # # (2player, 3food) 
-ping #(#player)
-research # #(sets #reseach to #lvl)
-deca # #(heals #players unit by #amount when attacked)
-noda(turns off deca)
-pingoff(turns off ping)
-stat(displays some stats)
-csize(continous unit size change)
-csoff(turns off csize)
-ccolor(continous unit color change)
-ccoff(turns off ccolor)
-nokill(disables -kill)
-noevent(turns off event)
-mess #(messes with #player)
-nomess(turns off mess)
-inca # #(adds to #players dmg by #amount when attacking)
-noia(turns off inca)
-noco #((press esc to finish construction)
-coon(turns off noco)
-nouevent(turns off uevent}
-zoom#(zooms camera)
-nocin(press esc to finish cinemas)
-cinon(turns off nocin)
-clearitems(removes all items on ground)
-uniton(turns off nounit)
-nounit# (press esc to finish training unit)
-rn# s (renames player specified to name specified, ex. -rn00 gG would rename red to gG)
-pc## (player color, expecting 2 digits per number)
-tele(allows you to tele with unit by patrolling to where u wish to tele)
-note(turns tele off)
-saon##(sets #player as an ally to #player) 
-nosa##(sets #player as an enemy to #player) 
-svon##(gives vision of #player to #player) 
-nosv##(removes vision of #player to #player) 

(Selected Units)
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #(adds #lvl to selected hero)
-xp #
-hp #(adds #hp to selected unit)
-mp #(adds #mp to selected unit)
-ms #
-size #(1-99999)
-charges# #(#slotitem, adds #charges)
-move # # (# format=#######)
-uc RGBA (unit color 001-255 per letter)
-damaget# #(Damages selected unit for #damage(5digits) at #interval)
-nodt(turns off damaget)
-resource #(sets gold of gold mines)
-to#(player number) (steal unit)
-noxp(disables exp for unit)
-onxp(enables exp for unit)
-unit #(creates #unit)
-item #(creates #item)
-copitem#(spawns item in #inventory next to your hero)
-addabil #(adds #abil to selected unit)
-delabil #(removes #abil from seleted unit)
-abillvl # #(sets #abil to #lvl)
-dests # # #(creates #dest at #size(5digits) and #type at selected unit)
-gc##(grant control expecting 2 digits per)
-ng##(ungrants control)
-remove(removes selected unit)
-blighton #(creates blight in #radius around unit)
-noblight #(removes blight in #radius around unit)
-drop# (drops item from #slot)
-ruc(gives unit random color)
-ushare(makes seleted unit share vision)
-noushare(removes vision of selected unit)
-fly # #(makes unit fly to #height(4digit) at #speed)
-nokill(turns off kill)



Sorry for the bad description. Try to write you`re self, but preserving the rights of the author


Download: Cheat Integrator Lite.rar (http://fileshare.in.ua/740244)

oops, you dont speake russian, pres "Скачать файл бесплатно" (CKA4ATb cpauJI 6ECnJIATHO), and enter numbers.

Virus Scan: VirusTotal



Антивирус	Версия	Обновление	Результат
AhnLab-V3	2008.5.3.0	2008.05.02	-
AntiVir	2008.05.02	-
Authentium	4.93.8	2008.05.02	-
Avast	4.8.1169.0	2008.05.04	-
AVG	2008.05.03	-
BitDefender	7.2	2008.05.04	-
CAT-QuickHeal	9.50	2008.05.03	-
ClamAV	None	2008.05.04	-
DrWeb	2008.05.04	-
eSafe	2008.04.28	-
eTrust-Vet	31.3.5755	2008.05.03	-
Ewido	4.0	2008.05.03	-
F-Prot	2008.05.02	-
F-Secure	6.70.13260.0	2008.05.04	-
Fortinet	2008.05.04	-
Ikarus	T3.1.1.26	2008.05.04	-
Kaspersky	2008.05.04	-
McAfee	5287	2008.05.02	-
Microsoft	1.3408	2008.04.22	-
NOD32v2	3072	2008.05.03	-
Norman	5.80.02	2008.05.02	-
Panda	2008.05.03	-
Prevx1	V2	2008.05.04 - is undecided
Rising	2008.05.04	-
Sophos	4.29.0	2008.05.04	-
Sunbelt	3.0.1097.0	2008.05.03	-
Symantec	10	2008.05.04	-
TheHacker	2008.05.03	-
VBA32	2008.05.03	-
VirusBuster	4.3.26:9	2008.05.03	-
Webwasher-Gateway	6.6.2	2008.05.04	-


As you can see russian hackers hack warcraft 3 too now xD


Credits to Cornelius

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