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high five L2Waterland Off 15X


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same menu like on my server, and is not l2off, stop bullshiting us pls


I know how to recognise java and off files, and really, have some respect mr "java server owner", cause u just fool entire community, either cause u are a lier or you are running a server without any knowledge of what you are actually doing, either way I feel pitty for every single player who wants to play on your server


and besides, maybe show us your files as waterland just did? untill you do so, please stop opening your mouth



ps. i just hope u know where to find it at least.

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same menu like on my server, and is not l2off, stop bullshiting us pls

you better start learning how to set up mysql in your server then come to forums and flame other servers.

also learn how to behave to players cause you need them and stop running bots in towns to increase your fake online players


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form the look at yout website you didnt even spend 200euro.

says stalone's girlfriend which ddosing servers and destroy l2 community so his fucktard boyfriend make more money...

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same menu like on my server, and is not l2off, stop bullshiting us pls

i heard on your server many ppl lost their character and items due some admin panel bugs ? 

so mby better focus on remake their characters/items instead sapming other server topics

Edited by allel2gro
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i heard on your server many ppl lost their character and items due some admin panel bugs ? 

so mby better focus on remake their characters/items instead sapming other server topics


He remake too much of characters... Thons of liers take full accounts....

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We are like 90% done for opening beta.

We have installed our proxy secured lines for our server.

Now we are testing protection again softwares.


Ream more:


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