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Posted (edited)



Pack based on l2jfrozen.

See on informations of server what have on it.


skype: guinamaster


Price: Give me one offer if you like.




One video of server.




Any files of configuration:

#                       Custom Settings                      #
#                         L2 IceFire                         #

# Trade chat time limit (in sec)
# Works only if trade chat is global (ON)
CustomTradeChatTime = 30

# ---------------------------
#  Finder status config
# ---------------------------

# Donator Name's Color.
FinderColorName = 116265

# Donator Title's Colon.
FinderTitleColor = 116265

# Finder drop rate
FinderDropRate = 3.0

# Finder spoil rate
FinderSpoilRate = 3.0

# ---------------------------
#  other config
# ---------------------------
# turn on/off return after fall through texture
ReturnAfterTextureFall = False

# +1 quest item drop when u have finder status
ListOfFinderQuestItems = 7254,7264,7233,7234,5944,5955,8085,5966,5967,5968,5969,7199,7201,7200,7075

# Clan custom manager
# Here you can set amount of members that clan needs
# to be improved on clan level 6,7,8

# To increase clan level from 5 to 6, clan needs ClanLvl6MembNeeded members
# Default is: 30
ClanLvl6MembNeeded = 5

# To increase clan level from 5 to 6, clan needs ClanLvl7MembNeeded members
# Default is: 80
ClanLvl7MembNeeded = 10

# To increase clan level from 5 to 6, clan needs ClanLvl8MembNeeded members
# Default is: 120
ClanLvl8MembNeeded = 15

# Message on enter
# This will allow the pop-up msg on screen
# when you allow it.
# Delay, how long should it wait till spawn on screen
# Default  = False.
OnEnterMessagesShow = True
OnEnterDelayToStart = 5

# Message 1.
OnEnterEnableText1 = True
OnEnterText1Type = exshow
OnEnterDelayText1 = 5
OnEnterText1 = Welcome to La2Lykens!

# Message 2.
OnEnterEnableText2 = False
OnEnterDelayText2 = 5
OnEnterText2 = Welcome to Siege War!

# Message 3.
OnEnterEnableText3 = False
OnEnterDelayText3 = 5
OnEnterText3 = Welcome to Siege War!

# Message 4.
OnEnterEnableText4 = False
OnEnterText4Type = CLAN
OnEnterDelayText4 = 5
OnEnterText4 = Welcome to Siege War!

# Message 5.
OnEnterEnableText5 = False
OnEnterText5Type = HERO_VOICE
OnEnterDelayText5 = 5
OnEnterText5 = Welcome to Siege War!

#                         Clan Item

# Enable and Disable Item
EnableClanItem = True

# ItemID for Clan Item
ClanItemID = 9937

# List of Skills reward for clan
# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln
ClanItemSkills = 370,3;371,3;372,3;373,3;374,3;375,3;376,3;377,3;378,3;379,3;380,3;381,3;382,3;383,3;384,3;385,3;386,3;387,3;388,3;389,3;390,3;391,3;

# Allow Clan Item Set Level
AllowClanItemLevel = True

# LvL Clan Reward
ClanItemSetLevel = 8

# Allow Clan Item Set Reputation
AllowClanItemRep = True

# Quantity Reputation Points
ReputationItemScore = 300000

# Allow Clan Item Title ADD
ClanItemTitle = True

# Clan Title ADD
ClanItemAddTitle = .::L2Lykens::.

# Allow Clan Item Title Colow
AllowClanItemTitleColor = False

# Clan Title Color in HEX
ClanTitleColor = bfff00

# 		Vote Reward System  

HopzoneUrl = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/94458/L2-Jesper
TopzoneUrl = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/8215/L2Jesper.html

# The characters will have a choice between 3 rewards.Set id for them
VoteRewardId1 = 57
VoteRewardId2 = 3470
VoteRewardId3 = 4037

# Set the amount of each reward.
VoteRewardAmount1 = 5000
VoteRewardAmount2 = 50
VoteRewardAmount3 = 50

# Set the seconds that the character has
# until he votes in the site's banners
SecondsToVote = 20
# not implemented !!
#           Star event				             #
StarAddDrop = false
# 1 - Star Shard
# 2 - Gunpowder
# 3 - Magnesium
Star1DropChance = 10
Star2DropChance = 5
Star3DropChance = 2
StarSpawnMeneger = false
#                Medal Event                     #
MedalAddDrop = false
# 1 - Event - Medal
# 2 - Event - Glittering Medal
Medal1DropChance = 10
Medal2DropChance = 2
MedalSpawnMeneger = false
#                L2Day                           #
L2DayAddDrop = false
L2DayDropChance = 10
L2DaySpawnManager = false

L2DayScrollChs = 300
L2DayEnchScrollChs = 100
L2DayAccScrollChs = 10

#                Big Squash                      #
# 1000 = 100%

BigSquashAddDrop = false
BigSquashDropChance = 100 
BigSquashSpawnManager = false
BigSquashUseSeeds = false
# Enable Protection (need client patch)
Enabled = True

# Log
# NOPROTECT - Login without client patch
# HACK - Hacking attempt
# SESSIONS - Enter players to world

# Maximum sessions from one HWID
MaxSessionsFromHWID =-1


# Announce to all world hacker name
AnnounceHackAttempt = false

# then hack attempt
# kick - kick player
# jail - move player to jail
# ban - ban player
# hwidban - ban with hwid
OnHackAttempt = kick

# Allow GM from banned HWID pc

# Log players in enter world
LogSessions= true

Fan page on Facebook:



Edited by guina



Pack based on l2jfrozen.

See on informations of server what have on it.


skype: guinamaster


Price: Give me one offer if you like.




One video of server.





I cant understand some guys they sell files like potatoes


guanita from when you are good dev just explain me before couple months all day you spam me on skype to help you to made some things for your server..and now you sell files what ever good luck with your sells


I cant understand some guys they sell files like potatoes


guanita from when you are good dev just explain me before couple months all day you spam me on skype to help you to made some things for your server..and now you sell files what ever good luck with your sells

As you see he doesnt sells any pack with super duper mods or anything else..He sells his project...Now if the pack is potato or domato is your choise to buy it or not!


As you see he doesnt sells any pack with super duper mods or anything else..He sells his project...Now if the pack is potato or domato is your choise to buy it or not!


First of all i think is l2jbrasil or l2jfrozen someone he can find it for free.. so i didnt found any reason to buy it from here...



he got at least 400 people online it worth 100 euro for me

a lot of servers they got at least 400 people online w/e

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