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high five [L2J] L2Courage.com Live Start 03.01.2014 18:00 +2Gmt

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the main problem when stalone start ddosing the community in lineage 2 is right now about 1/20 before stalone comes.


stalone is just using x10 multiple and offshops and thats all.


M, stalone or what u are, go try ddos russian big  server, and write coment for them, they will be closed, and hacked your server qiucker  then u piss  your self....if u so  feel strong choose your size server.


Im not pissed of cuz he fucked up l2courage im pissed that this clown is thinking that he is PWNOMFGHACKER, this is a crime and must be reported lol.

I strongly advise the owners of l2courage to take their rights to report a hacker ddosing their servers without no reason and make them fail their project and their money spended on it.



Im not pissed of cuz he fucked up l2courage im pissed that this clown is thinking that he is PWNOMFGHACKER, this is a crime and must be reported lol.

I strongly advise the owners of l2courage to take their rights to report a hacker ddosing their servers without no reason and make them fail their project and their money spended on it.




Let's all catch the attacker! let him get a big fine like few thousands every attack he makes and there will be no bitches like this anymore :)


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wasss uppp with l2tales???? wass uppp

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