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high five [L2J] L2 Entropy H5 Pvp Server


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L2Aeron No2.

same pvp area, same balance, same bugs.

if i wanted to play something that bad id play aeron, no need to open new servers.

Balance same as Aeron?

You gotta be kidding me meng

and Show me please 1 same bug

Edited by l2entropy
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Balance same as Aeron?

You gotta be kidding me meng

and Show me please 1 same bug

by same balance i mean the fact that every dd hits less than he should, eg. stormscreamer full hitting normal huricane to archers 800-900 while he should make ~1.5k, daggers hitting max 4k while they should deal 8k etc.

generally u make pvps last 3 times more than they should.

about the bugs u can search on google and find out how the stun breaks, it should have 50% chance to break on every skill but u usually see duelists or whatever casting 5-8 skills before it breaks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

L2 Entropy will back with new features and without bugs!
We we announce detailed list very soon! Stay tuned!

For more informations, visit our forum!

Date: 7/02/2014


Stay tuned

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