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update your java to 7u21





Error occurred during initialization of VM


Dat.. Just decrease the usage of ram. Edit the startgameserver - right click on it, edit and change Xmx. Set it to 1024, if still error decrease it to 512.

java -Xmx1024m

The next line after VM error, no idea. No jdk or caused by 1st error. :o

Edited by SweeTs
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its the latest revision ? 





The shared version will be on rev 191. 

That means that there might be some bugs and problems but still it includes every feature of l2jreunion.

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alguém a e consegui liga pois tenho o mesmo erro  BHLG1eL.png

how much ram you have on your pc, is it 32bit or 64


press right click on GameServer.bat

and post the xmx xms values  but tell us also how much ram your pc has


i guess REM java -server -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts


should work

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java -Djava.util.logging.manager=l2r.util.L2LogManager -Xmx1024m -Xbootclasspath/p:./../libs/l2ft.jar -cp ./../libs/*;l2reunion.jar l2r.gameserver.GameServer


REM NOTE: If you have a powerful machine, you could modify/add some extra parameters for performance, like:

REM -Xms1536m

REM -Xmx3072m



tenho 12gb de ram, sistema windows x64

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i ve already told it ... 

install java 7 update 21 ....

google search or for linux 


64bit: http://uni-smr.ac.ru/archive/dev/java/SDKs/sun/j2se/7/jdk-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz
32 bit: http://uni-smr.ac.ru/archive/dev/java/SDKs/sun/j2se/7/jdk-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz

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It has nothing to do with ram....if you want to mak

e it work. You must unistall all your java versions and install java jdk7 update21... If you want to make it work follow my advice...

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it includes every feature of l2jreunion.


Why such words while it's not true ? Or I'm so tired || blind and I don't see some folders, like voicedcommands :happyforever:


It's so obvious, but still :D


Also, this made my day a bit :D Noblesse manager instance.


Looks like c/p from //setnoble command.. It's good for switch on/off, but still it does it's job. However simple





would be better and that's the correct way. :D

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Guest Elfocrash

Also, this made my day a bit :D Noblesse manager instance.


Looks like c/p from //setnoble command.. It's good for switch on/off, but still it does it's job. However simple


would be better and that's the correct way. :D

lol dem boolean logic, nailed it. Oh my belly oh god, just to set the char as noble you used that? HAHAHAHAHA you actually tell the system to even check if the char is noble and make it the opposite.


Dem coding skills.




Why such words while it's not true ? Or I'm so tired || blind and I don't see some folders, like voicedcommands  :happyforever:


It's there just check the imports. Its on the scripts folder:






Oh god so bad. He used proper boolean logic for a fuckin setnoble command but he did this:

if (activeChar.getTradeRefusal())
				activeChar.sendMessage("Trade refusal mode disabled.");
				activeChar.sendMessage("Trade refusal mode enabled.");

In all the cpp instead of just doing:



yes = yes + yeses;

instead of:

yes =+ yeses;

Probably missed the operator class.




yeah like it's dont be triggered while you add something in the database.



if (objId > 0)

Checking if the objid is possitive which always is rather than checking if a player with such an objid is just online. Who gives a shit if he exists or not?




Won't even continue for now. Dem skillz tho.

Edited by Elfocrash
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