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classic [L2J] L2League (2)


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By the way, server wont have any custom items right? What about buff slots? And how many augments can people stack?

It's retail server, S grade items will be more expensive. About buff slots, 32 + 4 divine inspiration. 


Also, I can't say something about augmentation system because it's not decided yet.

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I really liked the modification you had on your previous server where you deleted chances and active nukes from the augmentation list. Most of the chances are not usable and active nukes just destroys olympiad balance. So I'd recommend you to set that feature here to.

Edited by I3ase
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Custom currency concept.


There is a coin called League Medal and it can be obtained by many ways like Raidbosses, Vote Reward, Event Reward, GM Reward, Champion Monsters & such. By farming you obtain retail materials & adenas.


These League Medals can be exchanged with Lifestones, BOG, Crystal Scrolls, Raid Jewels and such items.


About the Gambling NPC, you can bet adenas & League Medals.

Updated. Also, new topic preview is on the way.

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Hello guys! Currently I am working on currency & shopping systems. Stay tuned, information are on the way.

Edited by Devlin
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