tukekuchi Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 L2 Originala Features ------------------------------------Why you should join? No LagNo Rolback99% of classes balanced99% of skills balanced-------------------------------------Server Rates:XP : 1000xSP :1000xAdena : 1000x-------------------------------------Enchant:Save : +4Max For Weapons : +16Max For Armors : +16Max For Jewels : +16Normal Rate : 75%Blessed Rate : 100%Crystal Rate : 65% Max 15------------------------------------- Killing Spree SystemServer Information:Server special commands:.menu.rewardme (buff for vote coins).pvpinfo (character pvp information).castlemanager (Castle siege registration).vote_tvt.vote_ctf.sms (write sms to someone).read (read sms).sellbuffs (sell buffs to other players) Augmentation System:Top Lifestone Rate: 18%High Lifestone Rate: 12%Mid Lifestone Rate: 8% Events:CTF Event(Auto)-high grade lifestonesTvT Event(Auto)-Top grade lifestones Poloponnesian WarCastle WarTeam versus TeamDeath MatchTreasure ChestProtect The Lord General Informations:Olympiad:Validation Period every 1 weeks. Noblesse:Available Nobless Item at Gm Shop Subclass SystemYou are able to make 4 subclasses. Custom Items:Originala Tatto[CP/HP/MP 10%] Dynasty Armor (Full Stats) Dynasty Weapons (Whit SA) Boss Jewels Grand Boss;Valakas 4h RespawnAntharas 4h RespawnBaium 3h RespawnQueen Ant 3h RespawnZaken 3h RespawnOrfen 2h RespawnCore 2h RespawnUruka 3h RespawnEmbra 3h RespawnRoaring Skylancer 3h Respawn Custom NPCs :GmshopGlobal GatekeeperRaid Boss GatkepperBufferWedding ManagerClass ChangerAugmenterPk CleanerPassword Chanager In gameAchievements Clan ManagerBuf Report NpcNpc EnchanterBoss Manager NpcPk Guard Fatseas*PvP/Pk List Manager--------------------------------------------------------------------------- L2 Originala Web!! Dowload Patch Cliclk Here Quote
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