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Ten signs you are a terrible L2J Developer

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1)You write code but the last time you launched your gameserver was months ago. Don't bring up the excuse, I write JUnit tests, cause you don't.


2)Your variables look like they are immigrants from all over the programming world ( players_ , _players , __players__, Players, PLAYERS_ ).


3)Your classes look as if they are also immigrants from all over the programming world ( myclassmightbeanobject, myclass_mightbeanobject ).


4)Each time you need to hook the core events, you place a shitty line of code in L2PcInstance that looks like if(Config.MYFEATURE) MyFeature.blabla();


5)You spend more time signing your pack with your name, than you spend coding. Nobody cares if your name shows up when they launch your pack's gameserver. And that's mainly it's not your pack, but a combined effort by hundreds of developers over the years, a group that you are a small part of it.


6)It's 2013 and you still manage your dependencies and your assembly with ant.


7)Everything in your pack follows the Singleton antipattern or the static method access.


8)You spend more time benchmarking Javolution than using it to write code.


9)Your Singleton constructor, depends on static fields, that depend on your constructor ...


10)You will read this post, disagree and still think you are right.

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I don't get the point of this "[Discussion]" since 5% of MxC will understand your points (to choose a %), and the rest won't.

And the % that get it, probably don't do what u just pointed.



You're so right Sr.

Specially in the 5th point  :rage:


How many posts could we find about removing the L2jServer credits of Enterworld if we start looking for it  :forever alone like a boss:

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Well it's not a guide, since it doesn't teach anything. Just makes some remarks on bad practices. Point 5th is the most annoying though. I've seen people "refractoring mmocore" and all they do is remove the l2jdevs names from Author and putting theirs there.

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Well it's not a guide, since it doesn't teach anything. Just makes some remarks on bad practices. Point 5th is the most annoying though. I've seen people "refractoring mmocore" and all they do is remove the l2jdevs names from Author and putting theirs there.

lol thats lame.
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Well it's not a guide, since it doesn't teach anything. Just makes some remarks on bad practices. Point 5th is the most annoying though. I've seen people "refractoring mmocore" and all they do is remove the l2jdevs names from Author and putting theirs there.


The most narcissistic thing I've ever seen regarding your 5th point, was a couple of years ago.

A guy asked me his opinion about the pack "he had made" (rl). I checked the files and the dude had done something amazing.

He had opened every single file, removed all the licenses/notes on the top part, and had replaced them with "Special L2J Pack Designed by X", or sth like that.

He claimed that he had been working on that pack for a month, and eventually that was all he had done in it.

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java is boring ,il stick with basics only


And i believe in the next sentence:

You need only minimum knowledge of java to open a good server





Experienced Developer vs Experienced Player with minimum of java (i admit ,right now im terrible at java ,i dont even know minimum but im getting better xD)


Experienced developer pros:

- can create any event/mod from scratch without much problem

- can implement with eyes closed and fix everything in a blink

- can adapt easy to other client

- he can make private source based on l2off and test everything from a to z ,quests and other things without relying on a real player experience but with this ,he can only make midrates (example: l2 world ,1 year in developement ,well more like slacking but its ok)


Experienced developer cons:

- he have no idea about l2

- he have no idea about balance

- he have no idea about what community likes

- he have no idea about advertising a server

- he have no idea about farming

- he have no idea about what he should make ,unless he watched many starwars movies and do things like New events (nhoke example)

- he can only rely on real experienced players to start a pack and make it good


And now...

Experienced player pros:

- he can make balance very good and even easier ,he can copy formulas from l2off and adapt to pvp style ,improve every day to make it more close and close to pvp style (pvp servers only) but so far ive only seen good developers doing bad servers, so no hope for l2 today

- he can be smart ,buy cheap good pack with lot of fixes and start doing a server ,adding npcs/blabla isnt that hard (he can get someone to implement something on source ,its very easy to find someone who can do that willingly)

- he knows everything about community, players, he has been playing maybe over 100 private servers ,he knows so much about l2 that he can make 5 different servers with very different features and farm style ,pvp ,all very good ,he just needs patience :)

- he knows how a gm should handle the players ,reports and much more

- he knows how to advertise, hes been so bored of so much crappy servers that finnaly decided to learn about this too after so much wasted time in this game, there are like 234235236 forums/tops and more ,he can also be smart and put players to advertise for rewards ingame and more

- he needs java? nah ,he can copy java ,modify few strings and sell for 3x price xD ,he gets more money than dev them self


Experienced player cons:

- he is bad with java, so he can't fix everything by him self ,his easiest option is to rely on someone experienced with java and fix things for him ,free or for money


1 con max ,well yeah ,im more talking about my self haha xD


there is ying and yang in this world

U can be smart learning java, do projects ,sell


U can be smart copy other works, buy cheap ,change some strings, sell 3-5x more expensive


just like steroids/get a job

you are a smart guy ,you graduaded UNIVERSITY and now ur looking for a job and get paid 400 euro max monthly


you are a smart guy,  you just graduaded highschool with a 5 max, buy stero from friends cheap and sell at 2x price and get 2500-3000 or more euro monthly ,u only need to get known ,be a little big and go on more gyms to get known even better


Thats how things work here ,so far i didnt do any of these but i will becuz it worth! so why bother to be Einstein and waste a life for learning some codes to get some money, when u can overcome Einstein with less work and less intelligence, just rely on his theory and lie that u have a better one


So yeah ,lie ftw in this world ,and 5 ftw also :)

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6)It's 2013 and you still manage your dependencies and your assembly with ant.

I don't get your point here, but ok.

The rest are true for me too, specially this:


1)You write code but the last time you launched your gameserver was months ago. Don't bring up the excuse, I write JUnit tests, cause you don't.

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First of all i would like to excuse myself for making this beautiful post so ugly with my reply.

I totally agree with main post! I just wanna say that i'm really sorry people like you stop develop L2J and move away...

Really the community needs more people like you, who know the truth and dare to say it.



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Your point hasn't any sense, because being a Java Developer doesn't mean that you're not a "Pro L2 Player".


U can be smart copy other works, buy cheap ,change some strings, sell 3-5x more expensive

And about this... this is not being smart, it's being an another wannabe that will fail if he keep trying that.

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