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well guys there's another way of entering the baium's room but 1 person needs to have the quest made:


1st) 1 person does the quest

2nd) Must be married with another character

3rd) every1 who is going to the baium must go to the clan all

4th) every1 at the clan hall puts follow at the one whos married with the other guy that is at baium's romm

5th) the married guy that is at the clan hall uses go to love

6th) every1 wait's some time till the guy who's married reachs the baium's room

7th) every1 does restart at the game and i think it will appear at baium's room


not 100% sure if it works


just tryied in1 server

u mean .gotolove? how come all pt will get's at baium's spot? evry1 are married with him? xD

  • 1 month later...

Did not work for me, I agree with oloss, Use .gotolove =) or

The server does not have geodata data

raises the camera and lens to use the command / / attack and talk to him.

Restart Now! .. And Surprise!

Bye =)

  • 2 weeks later...

fixed in almost all server i'm playing in (including DN) , summon is auto accepted now can't delay it so ....

yea infact try to see when this trick was posted :D

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