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Server had good features, good balance, but was hard in farm and had fail stuff. 1 Gm (Mike) start ban ppl, when they ask to change price for s grades, cuz new ppl dont had any chance to kill rbs (u need like 5-6 rb for 1 s grade wep). When some1 post bug with drop rb (not real value on party) he said if u dont like server leave server, and later start ban ppl. So dont waste time for server. Kids in stuff.


Sry for English, GL hf Evo, but if u want make real server, first kick kids from stuff.


No problem, i wrote to u on PM about banned chars, but thats not all i remember only my char and 1 more guy. About the farm, u must imagine what will be in future, when on server will be 1-2 clans with full s grades ++. New ppl never will have any chance, my idea is add a little zone with 1-3 rbs (easy rbs) what drop 1 coin and respown rb will be like 30min-1h of make it peace zone to let low grade ppl farm there. Or add exchange coins (10k) for 1 rb token or smthg like that


No problem, i wrote to u on PM about banned chars, but thats not all i remember only my char and 1 more guy. About the farm, u must imagine what will be in future, when on server will be 1-2 clans with full s grades ++. New ppl never will have any chance, my idea is add a little zone with 1-3 rbs (easy rbs) what drop 1 coin and respown rb will be like 30min-1h of make it peace zone to let low grade ppl farm there. Or add exchange coins (10k) for 1 rb token or smthg like that


You are unbanned also your friends,added safe zone and pvp zone . Have Fun !!


http://www.l2shinko.com/features.html  check the enchant system we have a nice system...... safe 3 so if u have 1 item +6 and u put : 

                                - 1 scrol u have chance to make it +7 if is fail will become +5

                                -  1 blessed u have 35 % chance to make it +7 if will fail will be +6 nothing happend just lose 1 blessed !!!have fun :)



scroll and bleesed have now half price :)  :troll:


Even with 6%.. lol WTB some brain for evo.

dude thinck about is 250 farm 1 blessed if you  have the item +15  and put 1 more blessed if is fail will be the same enchant !!!! +15 nothing happend just lose 1 blessed !!! 5-6 players have weapons +16


Video Event !!!! check the forum and put your video : http://l2shinko.com/forum/video-and-photo-collection/here-post-your-video-about-server-!!!!!/


1st place = set armor S and 1 Weapon S


players online = 250


ok we will fix :) is good suggestion :) tell us what is wrong and we will fix it :) have fun yesterday night we had 300 players on we hope in 2-3 days to make over 500 :) is a good start


i would suggest, let us use a skill and the mana potion in the same time. how about that?!


1 mana potion=1000 mp


and like before u can t use mp when u are using skills :)

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