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Most common team comps of the current meta from my point of view


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In this topic I'll list and explain the most common and effective team compositions used in the current meta from my own observation. Here we go...




1. Team Fight


This comp relies on forcing 5v5 fights, so they usually need to move as a group. It's consisted by champions with aoe abilities(CC/Damage), sustained damage, heavy initiation capabilities and abilities that can burst or zone priority targets.


Example of a team fight comp: Kennen, Zac, Orianna, Twitch, Sona



2. Poke


A "win but never fight" strategy. Poke comps depend on rendering their opponents incapable of fighting, by safely damaging them from distance, without really engaging. This forces the enemy to go back or fight with no health, which allows the team to capitalize on objectives. These teams are formed by champions with long range poke, escapes and disengage to avoid getting engaged in a fight by the enemy.


Example of a poke comp: Jayce, Trundle, Nidalee, Ezreal, Nami



3. Splitpush


This one is a little tricky, since it requires some basic understanding of the game, good communication and sometimes vision. It depends on people constantly applying pressure on different lanes, forcing the enemy to break into pieces around the map and sometimes leading them to lose-lose situations. The best options for splitpush comps are champions that can clear waves fast, escape ganks, move around the map easily, duel well and disengage from fights.


Example of a splitpush comp: Shen, Nocturne, Zed, Ezreal, Janna



4. Pick


Pick comps rely on catching isolated members of the enemy team and killing them, forcing an unfair fight for the enemy quickly afterwards or just obtain uncontested objectives. They're structured by champions with mobility, (single-target) CC, burst.


Example of a pick comp: Rengar, Rammus, Ahri, Varus, Thresh





That's all, hope you found it useful!


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