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Making a diff with Eclipse or any other program



Hey guys, i just made a pretty cool Core Scheme Buffer for aCis 290 rev. but i can't share it, cause eclipse doesn't allow me to 'create a patch'  :rage:, there's no such option in Team>  :y u no?:. Could anyone tell me what's wrong or how i could make a patch?  :poker face:

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Hey guys, i just made a pretty cool Core Scheme Buffer for aCis 290 rev. but i can't share it, cause eclipse doesn't allow me to 'create a patch'  :rage:, there's no such option in Team>  :y u no?:. Could anyone tell me what's wrong or how i could make a patch?  :poker face:


Your source should be uploaded on trac (svn).

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on aCis, you can't because your eclipse cant synch with their svn in orded to view the differences, if you had your own svn with the rev 290 then you can synch it with it, otherwise happy manual diff ;D

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i think i will upload the source to a svn xD


you have to upload the original source on the svn and then somehow sync your project with it (idk if possible) good luck

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you have to upload the original source on the svn and then somehow sync your project with it (idk if possible) good luck


Uploading the clean source and then replacing it, this will result the required patch (diff).

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what does this mean? it's been more than an hour like this



No, you should do it by: right click on your "exported" project and svnClient(turtoise for example) -> import

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I imported the project with eclipse, but when i try to replace source files i get an error that they already exist... could anyone make a guide? Or explain steps of making a patch...

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I imported the project with eclipse, but when i try to replace source files i get an error that they already exist... could anyone make a guide? Or explain steps of making a patch...


I think its impossible to make a patch now, you have to sync your current project with a clean rev290 one, and I think that this is impossible :(

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yeah, like, that's what i tried, i imported a clean project, but it won't let me replace the existing files.... or make a patch...


You should replace them in eclipse (after checkout), not using import on svn.

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