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Do you prefer Java , .Net or  Python client ? (witch language your pc's run faster? )


For java you must have java enviroment

.Net is usually installed by default

Python is gαmiseta for beginers.

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Do you prefer Java , .Net or  Python client ? (witch language your pc's run faster? )


For java you must have java enviroment

.Net is usually installed by default

Python is gαmiseta for beginers.

Wrong, Wrong


Java can be standalone compiled with GCJ or embedded in avian .net runs better in mono, and can be also embedded.

Differences in speed = Programmer's code, not pc power :P


Edit: Oh yeah, java 8 will have a minimum 3mb JVM and a compiler option, to pack all the classes you use from rt lib, into ur app, and then embed it into an executable. Check out Jigsaw project @ java 8

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