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[CMD]Try it.

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1.Press Window+R

2.Type "CMD", Hit Enter

3.Type "CD.."2x, Hit Enter

4.Type "Color A", Hit Enter

5.Type "Tree", Hit Enter





Play With Your Keyboard and feel like a HACKER..... ;) 

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Or just learn a programming language? ;D


Another trick in order to look like a badass hacker is the Matrix one named after the movie matrix. Copy the following code in your notepad, save it something.bat and run it:


@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto A

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Or just learn a programming language? ;D


Another trick in order to look like a badass hacker is the Matrix one named after the movie matrix. Copy the following code in your notepad, save it something.bat and run it:


@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto A

hahahah nicee

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hahahah nicee


title Guess the number!
echo Guess the number, how fast can you?
SET /A randomNum=%RANDOM%%%1000%
ECHO I am thinking of a number between 1-1000...
SET /P guess=Guess a number:
IF %guess% EQU %randomNum% GOTO :WIN
IF %guess% LSS %randomNum% ECHO Your guess is too low
IF %guess% GTR %randomNum% ECHO Your guess is too high
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
ECHO You find the answer!!!!
ECHO CONGRATULATIONS! The correct number was %randomNum%
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
set /p lsdbprompt= Wanna guess again? (y/n):
if /i %lsdbprompt%==y GOTO :GUESSAGAIN2
if /i %lsdbprompt%==n goto
SET /A randomNum=%RANDOM%%%1000%
ECHO I am thinking of a number between 1-1000...
SET /P guess=Guess a number:
IF %guess% EQU %randomNum% GOTO :WIN
IF %guess% LSS %randomNum% ECHO Your guess is too low
IF %guess% GTR %randomNum% ECHO Your guess is too high
ECHO Congratulations! The correct number was %randomNum%
set /p lsdbprompt= Wanna guess again? (y/n):
if /i %lsdbprompt%==y GOTO :GUESSAGAIN
if /i %lsdbprompt%==n goto


Or guess the number...

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