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Hello there,

Can someone tell me how can I see who gave me karma and why? I see that some gave me a -1 karma and i would like to see why. I've helped a lot of ppl here and i think that i don't deserve -1 karma.


Thanks in advance.

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I dont why you all dekarma new ppl,thats kinda retarded.

You should dekarma ppl that make USELESS posts not like this guy did.


I check all his replies and i dont see a spam at all.

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If it was this topic which i necro posted, i said sorry for the necro post but i really neededsomeone to help me with this thing because the links were dead. Im newbie on L2Developing and i HAD hard time till i fix my L2File edit. Hopefully a guy here helped me and now i can patch my armors.


Anyway,thanks for the reply Jaharakal.

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