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Is it borring to watch walkthroughs instead of playing the game?


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Is it borring to watch walkthroughs of a game instead of playing it? I mean I want to play a game but I don't own a PS3 (haven't even played on it once)

but I really like that game and walkthrough is my only choice. I just don't want to get bored watching it (instead of playing it) and loose my hype for the game.


P.S.: I posted this here because the console section is not that active and I got more chances of getting feedbacks here. If that's not okay then you are free to move it to the right section.

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It's really boring watching someone play the game you'd like to play. I only watch walkthroughs when i can't find a solution in the game.

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[ΓΡ]Ένας πόσταρε ότι το βρίσκει διασκευαστικό αλλά του κάνανε διαγραφεί το ποστ του οι μοντεράτορς.[/ΓΡ]

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[ΓΡ]Ένας πόσταρε ότι το βρίσκει διασκευαστικό αλλά του κάνανε διαγραφεί το ποστ του οι μοντεράτορς.[/ΓΡ]

a ok

It's really boring watching someone play the game you'd like to play. I only watch walkthroughs when i can't find a solution in the game.

Alright then

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