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[aCis] L2Versuvio x500 PVP Server - [ Launch 1 May 20:00 GMT+2 ]


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After many lies about the servers, I will come out with my REAL knowledge on the server. I'll start off with saying that the admin is a complete d o u c h e bag. Doesn't respond to messages from his ex-"staff" or acknowledge them because he has no balls between his legs. Second off, terrible f u c k i n g name for a server. Versuvio? Awful, just awful. Third, this jack a s s adds an AIO that is supposed to have "fancy" buffs like resists, dances for resists and greater might/shield. Nope, he decided to remove Prophecies, leave elemental protection, summoner buffs and G.Might/Shield. Like does this idiot's head not work? What kind of a f u c k e d system is that? God awful online of ~100-200 people. For f u c k sakes that is the online of the s h i t t i e s t servers in RU-L2 history on Christmas day when no one plays. Also he offers an AIO for a "clan" with 10 people... N i g g a that's like a f u c k i n g  full partynot a clan, dumb ass All along I just wanted to see how retarded he really was, I never thought the server was good. I just laughed every day with my friend at the retarded ideas this guy came up with. He's a little pussy that can't create a decent server. I don't say this because of me not being in his staff, I could care less. I say this just to let you know, how dumb this mo -beep-a really is

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Well he had many probs and bugs. Could be much better.

If only you were as close to him as me, this guy f'ed up everything because he's a stubborn little idiot that didn't listen to me and guess what? The result is the server l2 versuvio (f u c k that's a retarded ass name) that has about 100 people online. Great job kderd. I applaud you  :not bad:
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If only you were as close to him as me, this guy f'ed up everything because he's a stubborn little idiot that didn't listen to me and guess what? The result is the server l2 versuvio (f u c k that's a retarded ass name) that has about 100 people online. Great job kderd. I applaud you  :not bad:


Oh comme on, no GM status given and start emo-crying? No thank you, don't need people like you in my team who aren't serious. I better be alone and do a good job and avoid possible corruption than going on night with the fear that I wake tomorrow to see people in-game complaining about corruption. Have a nice day.

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Oh comme on, no GM status given and start emo-crying? No thank you, don't need people like you in my team who aren't serious. I better be alone and do a good job and avoid possible corruption than going on night with the fear that I wake tomorrow to see people in-game complaining about corruption. Have a nice day.




Always they wanna be GM and u say no thanks , your server sucks!

haha that poor bots :P

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Oh comme on, no GM status given and start emo-crying? No thank you, don't need people like you in my team who aren't serious. I better be alone and do a good job and avoid possible corruption than going on night with the fear that I wake tomorrow to see people in-game complaining about corruption. Have a nice day.

I mentioned earlier that I don't care about being on your team, I did at first, and only for pure, good reasons, not after seeing your mental state. And who the f u c k wants to corrupt on your server? You have 100 people online, yea I got nothing better to do than pvp with maximum 3-10 in the farm zones. Idiot.


P.S. I didn't corrupt and wouldn't of, and your only argument against me is the POSSIBILITY of me corrupting, not a fact. That's it? Your reply clearly indicates that you know the server is a piece of poop because you didn't defend a SINGLE ONE of the "features" that your little brain put together!  :gtfo:

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Always they wanna be GM and u say no thanks , your server sucks!

haha that poor bots :P

Little b i t c h, do you know me? have we talked? no? then shut the f u c k up and don't think you know me, ight?
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150 people strong, congratulations :good sir:

12:07 in the night and also Monday, people got jobs and need to go to sleep, Sunday we were at 20:00 in the night 334 online and no hopzone/topzone yet, when activated I expect ~400-500.

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150 people strong, congratulations :good sir:

12:07 in the night and also Monday, people got jobs and need to go to sleep, Sunday we were at 20:00 in the night 334 online and no hopzone/topzone yet, when activated I expect ~400-500.

are you serius mate? Server goes perfect!!! Without hopzone/topzone sunday night had like 300+ players with noone of these sites


I guess with that sites will have like 600+ wihout bots

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Little b i t c h, do you know me? have we talked? no? then shut the f u c k up and don't think you know me, ight?

Dude really are you insane? The guy above you wrote his opinion wtf its going on with you? Do you know him and you talk to him

like this? And who are you that we are supposed to know you?  :you serious?:

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