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gz 1800 at morning  and 2800  at top time, not even x2  :not bad:

stop talking for other things, and read again



not fake online right? ye many kinds believe  this fake online  , true :D


do u think I care what other people think/beleive ??

If u think that - then gfurself



gz kid, you play on serv with 3.2k real online players right?


sad story nowdays 80% of ppls thinks its real, you are so bad




after 14 days server server is full of lag!


this server is fucking awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



:troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:


after 14 days server server is full of lag!


this server is -beep-ing awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



:troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:


Are you dumb ?

Do you even read that we are under heavy ddos every day, and our company is mitigating it ~10-15 minutes after the attack start.

But some times when the ddos is epicly heavy it take more time.


Go clap in the other server topics for the efforts to take us down.


p.s. some one is losing alot of money for this botnet last few days.


i don't know why you all waste your time here... the dude start server and he the server is he's he can do whatever he wants with it if you don't like it don't play it ... there are 10000+++ other server wich you can go and play.


PS: I remember the first server kam3ran made it was EPIC FAIL  :happyforever:, but now here it is L2World in the TOP ... you have to respect that guy he didn't give up and now he PWN ... stop spam, cry and curse ...  :LOL:


PS2: If you think i kiss his ass cuz i'm donator or player in he's server ... think again ... i don't play in l2world and i never did play there i played very long time ago in 2 servers he owned when he was newbie admin. I'm NEUTRAL!



"great server gm doing fast fixes"


Yes, they really need Fast Fixes because l2world server is bugged like Hell and you better play any L2J High Five. :)



Yes, with Free vote items for kids. That why is on top. But LoL?! What Top? That toplist from l2.f4cking hopzone :)) That toplist is a crap anyway. 


This server is NOT better than any other L2 private server (and i am not a Troll).



DDoS with botnet in a crapy L2 bulgarian server full of bots..? EPIC LoL!



"great server gm doing fast fixes"


Yes, they really need Fast Fixes because l2world server is bugged like Hell and you better play any L2J High Five. :)



Yes, with Free vote items for kids. That why is on top. But LoL?! What Top? That toplist from l2.f4cking hopzone :)) That toplist is a crap anyway. 


This server is NOT better than any other L2 private server (and i am not a Troll).



DDoS with botnet in a crapy L2 bulgarian server full of bots..? EPIC LoL!


1. Prolly you never played l2j, or you cant see the difference betwen it and our source.

2. So all servers are same, same features, same gameplay, everything is same ?... just lol

3. Full of bots, can you show us program that work on the server ?


DDoS is becoming normal for every new highly populated server.

Its like that coz some ppl cannot learn to lose.


We will not give up, i advice the guy who pay for this botnets to rethink and recheck his funds, im sure he does not have infinity a-beep-t of money to pay for them.


Everyone who play on our server and checks the forum will understand that we have active team and solve problems more then fast.

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