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HB Extender on GF PTS Files ?

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From your reply i just figured out that you're a sad kid locked in your parents house, since you flame for no reason.

If someone is above you regarding L2 knowledge you just spit random bullshit without any sense.

You're quite dumb and it was proven some topics back when a guy said you cant even set max lvl on some lol files.

Irony right ? You should look in the mirror before judging someone else.

COEP is shit, always was. Same for La2Guard HB's files. Get over it, but like Rey said : One man's garbage is another man's tresure, so please enjoy your COEP and keep your silly and chilish flames for your own opinion, noone flamed you.

Get serious kiddo.


Jezz...this maxcheaters is full of notepad script kiddies.





Did you just type stuff and hope i'm a moron that baits?

Your not that good a diverting attention.


You should you know - do you own files someday and be willing to learn like februar28.

Instead of  being fairly useless and big mouthed and showing it.


No one ever wanted to learn... sheesh.





Check and find some of the Open PP\ COEP files.

It would teach you a ton about the structure and how to hook and so on.


Classes Research \ Offsets would have to be manually updated.

but it wouldn't hurt to ask if you need anything :)


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Im sorry but you're dumb, look at my words :

I do not care !!!

I dont bother creating extenders / own files !!!

I dont need to learn what i already know !!!

I do not have any reason to do anything you mentioned !!!

I got everything served on a plate.


COEP is shit, stop the worship lol, put up a server with your precious HB COEP files and lets compare it with my HB files, you will notice the irony in 2-3 mins.

And please stop the "teaching" part, you're making a fool out of yourself. Show me a project where your contribution took place and made a difference, then i'll be quiet.

Get serious Mr. iCantSetMaxLvLonSharedFiles.


And what does "februar28" means, that i didnt understood.

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Im sorry but you're dumb, look at my words :

I do not care !!!

I dont bother creating extenders / own files !!!

I dont need to learn what i already know !!!

I do not have any reason to do anything you mentioned !!!

I got everything served on a plate.


COEP is shit, stop the worship lol, put up a server with your precious HB COEP files and lets compare it with my HB files, you will notice the irony in 2-3 mins.

And please stop the "teaching" part, you're making a fool out of yourself. Show me a project where your contribution took place and made a difference, then i'll be quiet.

Get serious Mr. iCantSetMaxLvLonSharedFiles.


And what does "februar28" means, that i didnt understood.


....are you like secretly trolling me by completely openly admitting your a dumbass and can't do anything because you don't have to when others can be payed to?


Cause DAMN if not.

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Sorry i just have to repeat that you're dumb.

Yes people get paid, but im getting everything for free, from all sides. Your point is simply irrelevant.

I dont need to create anything, there is no reason, im not a l2 sci-fi actor like you ))), go on create X and Y maybe a dog will give a damn.

Still cant answer what i said previous ? ha ?!?!

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Sorry i just have to repeat that you're dumb.

Yes people get paid, but im getting everything for free, from all sides. Your point is simply irrelevant.

I dont need to create anything, there is no reason, im not a l2 sci-fi actor like you ))), go on create X and Y maybe a dog will give a damn.

Still cant answer what i said previous ? ha ?!?!


Yeah - once you actually reply to logic and what i ask we could go on.

Actually scratch that! - you did!

Fully saying your apparently the last remaining GANGSTA DEV! yo!


why u gotz to devz dat shit mayn when u just getz da pack and kation doez all brah.

I getz free mayn!


While i appreciate your cander towards honesty and facts about your ineptitude in developing - feel free to use them outwards towards others as well.

So i think i'm done - if you wanna keep looking crazy keep going.


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Now i feel sorry that i have been replying to a newbie like you :)

You claim so much yet you never did anything.

You cant even set max level on some free-shared-files.

Stop spitting random shits, it makes you look even worse that you appear at the moment.

My inneptitude in developing brought me over 20k USD in 4 years of servers ))), like i gave a damn if the server was well made or noobish made )))

Keep claiming random stuff and keep creating stupid shits related to l2 someday somedayyyy a ant will care.

Good bye newbie.

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Why can't i do this?



You can't even set max level 99 on GF files.



See i can do it too.

The difference between me and you is that you got told by a greek some topics back that Caza guy, he said that he took you as developer and you were not even able to set max level )))))))

You see ? I talk without background you talk w/o sense.

You see what i did there ? ::)

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COEP is shit, stop the worship lol, put up a server with your precious HB COEP files and lets compare it with my HB files, you will notice the irony in 2-3 mins.


And what does "februar28" means, that i didnt understood.

COEP isn't shit at all, COEP its  just outdated and nobody works on it, for learning about L2Server structure and other crap in l2server is useful. I learned a lot with it and now, im working on my own with GF.


And for februar28 he was answering his questions, as you may noticed you are not the only one in this topic.

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COEP isn't shit at all, COEP its  just outdated and nobody works on it, for learning about L2Server structure and other crap in l2server is useful. I learned a lot with it and now, im working on my own with GF.


And for februar28 he was answering his questions, as you may noticed you are not the only one in this topic.

Outdated = vulnerable to bugs/exploits etc, anyone knows this, why would anyone bother in working on COEP when a downgrade from GF files to HB is so easy to do with so many new features and alot more secure ?...Lazy ? Call me that i love being lazy and doing easy work with great results, atm noone cares anymore about so called creators, but still i congradulate you for being one if so.

As for februar28, im sorry but i cannot see any relevance and meaning to that word/para-name.

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