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hellbound [russian-platformL2J] L2BFP 15x opening on 22 March!

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maybe you can switch to real profile dear lord



:alone: :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone: :alone:



and the number on beta online x10? :D


bcs on forum past 600 min 370ppl, so for sure  :dat: :dat: :dat:


same server same npc, same locations of teleports everything same like battle for redemption

Even website similar, and forum absolut the same, just cosmetic change, still u cant stay online, and see guests online all is absolut the same like on old Battle for redemption forum, why u dont admit it STALONE ?

Noone care is u or no, every1 will give it a try anyway .... just say its u like did befor


same server same npc, same locations of teleports everything same like battle for redemption

Even website similar, and forum absolut the same, just cosmetic change, still u cant stay online, and see guests online all is absolut the same like on old Battle for redemption forum, why u dont admit it STALONE ?

Noone care is u or no, every1 will give it a try anyway .... just say its u like did befor

Just to mention.

It was  ''War for Redemption'' and not Battle.

On topic, i have to agree about some similar things.


I really wonder how desperate and stupid is that stalone aka basilis aka ***** !!


Kala re kolozwo akoma dn exeis katalavei oti dn prokeite na paiksei kaneis sovaros anthrwpos sto server sou??ante parata to mas exeis zalisei me ta fail server sou!


i dont rly get this flames.

every admin/gm/owner of every kind of fail servers flaming each other in different nicks and thinkin how to get more money with the next fail project.

instead of team up with 2-3-4 failed server owner and build the perfect server (its impossible cause there will be ppl who gonna cry like always).

i also know with this team up u cannot reach $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from "not op" donation but just think a bit. u can reach money cause if ppl see server is stable, it gives reason to play they will donate (yea u must split it to 2-3-4 part but still). Also ur spent money will be less since 2-3-4 failed server owner gonna pay it. Also less chance to get DDOS cause 2-3-4 guy can get much better ddosprotection cause u need to pay less then u did/do it alone.


but thats why humans increadibles cause of -beep-in selfish/tricky/also logicless brain.


Ok now he are the facts : This is wfr.wfr was stalone's server.therefor...this is Stalone's server.Stalone's servers always faild hard.This one will fail hard too.

Proofs?His nerd friends start log in silver and spam web-site of l2bfp..

He did that for two weeks on Age/World before he opened wfr.And what happened?The server didn't manage to stay online for more than 1 hour  :lied: :lied: :lied: :lied: HAHAHAHAHHAHA :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:

Whoever thinks this will be the next best mid rate server IS OUT OF HIS FREAKIN MIND beacuse there is no way that Stalone can make a decent server EVER.I don't understand how this guy always manages to fail so hard that he opened god knows how many servers and after they failed no one even remmember them.Servers like L2Atlantis/L2World have been using the same name for all theese years..They failed too , but at least they had the balls to go ahead , fix things , and re-launch every time.

So Stalone , my dear brainless f4gg0t , why don't u REALLY work on your own server instead of buying those AWFULL server packs from russians , brazilians and who knows who else.But since you got 0 skills as a l2 admin/dev and you do this just for money , u can start searching a job cus u will never make a succesfull l2 server.

I want to see how many ''grand openings'' this server will have , wfr had 7.WTB NEW RECORD!!



no no here is something wrong or i dont know so this server its on other Ninja fail admin MOUSE but possible him to have friendship with stalone  cuz they have one target money money money ziro devaloper team and again failed server like even well server cant stay more online with zero experience in developing but they dont care about it even will have someone newbie play who they will invite with think to be gm and pay next  domain and next domain and like this 100 years later :D


more qq :)) we dont have any greeks gms admins :) we`re all from romania so dunno why u keep saying we`re stalone :))), stalone can suck my ballz..

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