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Also the timing has to be off... at times it will pop it right at 10 seconds like its supposed but sometimes it will pop it at 9 and now it has to wait another 10 seconds...


It showed also use the first pot as soon as the Hp/mp/cp reach the mark point then go off of a interval


##################### Update 22-03-2013


*Start/Stop and "Get color" with customizable buttons


Download :





What about us people who play in full screen to minimize lag? Ctrl+F2 doesnt seem to work when L2 is running in fullscreen


Get color is working for me but but there might be issue with size of fullsreen window, i will see what i can do.


Also the timing has to be off... at times it will pop it right at 10 seconds like its supposed but sometimes it will pop it at 9 and now it has to wait another 10 seconds...


timing in Codename looks like this timer2.Interval = (your value here). You shouldn't set timer so perfect, give it 0,5s more, you still got 5 sec left on hp potions.


It showed also use the first pot as soon as the Hp/mp/cp reach the mark point then go off of a interval


i'm not sure that i understand correctly. Until your hp have different color (in point where you "get color") form the one in memory of program, it will  keep spaming potions.


Operating system have nothing to do with not working L2 Codename. I cannot check program on lindvior, but i can tell that your server probably use some protection that blocked L2 Codename.


I currently cannot check this so there's nothing i can do.

  • 3 weeks later...

well i have a issue here . i put the colors all are just fine but when the program has to use for example f12 it does BUT NOT in l2 , if i alt tab and go on my browser its spam like hell the f12 but in the game it does absolutely nothing !

some1 told me tha maybe .net framework has to do something with that but dunno what framework to look for soooo...some advice here?


PS.its working on my server cuz another guy is using it so i dont get it Y U NO WORK :y u no?:


UgliBiBagli this program use color detection so using potion up to some set in % level is a bit hard, but remember that program fill you cp/hp/mp up to point where you checked color (Ctrl+F2), so don't take color from end of cp bar, but use Ctrl+F2 in point where you want program to stop using pots.


so what about making additional option for marking every bar separatly? so it would be possible to set cp potions on 95% and for example mp potions at 50% hm?




At first L2 Codename was like this, but setting 3 bars take longer and most of ppl set them to full. I can make option in settings and based on it program will require setting one or three bars.


Currently I'm writing bot, server starts in few days, so i want to focus on that, update will come out probably on Sunday.

  • 3 months later...

This looks very handy, it is very easy to set up, however I tried it and it doesnt click the button I set it to :(


Whenever I set the CP/HP/MP pixels the status goes from ON to OFF after I hit start.

  • 2 weeks later...

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