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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

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EPIC FAIL Server,  home made server by 13 years old kids


Well i was u and wfr that ddos silver.. Brave move.. to bad your server lags as hell and will fail.. GF


I don't talk before to play.. i really tried it and is full of bugs.. i have big team which search for an server.. momentanly we stoped at  http://linewfr.com

other are newbie servers... staff of linewfr made a good job.


Ofc u stoped there u are gm :D omg u are sooo epic fail.. nice lagg u have btw in server.. everyone QQ Epic fail and u say its the best server HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Can someone stop AdZOne ?

Please ..?


I have an acc  on wfr for god's sake. Our clan is not 50 ppl but we have 2 cp and guess what ?!?


We also waited  that wfr solves lag problem and we would have tried it first.


But after this aggressive behavior and unfair advertising + that now in my mind you ddos other servers = ruin players (yes player not only admins) mood.


You just made wrf lose 20 ppl.


GG HF BB _)_




Can someone stop AdZOne ?

Please ..?


I have an acc  on wfr for god's sake. Our clan is not 50 ppl but we have 2 cp and guess what ?!?


We also waited  that wfr solves lag problem and we would have tried it first.


But after this aggressive behavior and unfair advertising + that now in my mind you ddos other servers = ruin players (yes player not only admins) mood.


and btw i agree with u, prolly only bcs adzone and his wrong advertise i will leave the support i did to wfr


You just made wrf lose 20 ppl.


GG HF BB _)_




when the mods will log he will het ban prolly and his flame will be deleted, dont worry i already reported him today 3 times

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