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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

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sad story , so much ppl join to have some fun and some guy just don't have better things to do then hate ...

i am sure this guy jakk has a rly sad life , we all feel sry for him ...

is frustrated kids whit some money and w/o social life


well, we wasted time waiting for l2silver, and now its been 1 big disappointment


Didn't you say that you not gonna bother waiting for start?  :dat: Check your msg at 7th page.


i did'nt wait, i played tera


More likely "i played tera WHILE WAITING"...  :okey: Since if you wouldn't even had bothered waiting for server to be live you wouldn't be playing there now.


Every server you guys  say its the best is failing hard,  maybe you rush to judge


All servers have own problems, one of them l2 silver too. So we can't say judge them wtf u idiot and bla bla better close server because u cant keep it without lags and etc. But no one of that cryers dont even try to create own l2server fix bugs and make it free to other players.


the problem is that everyone says "best server" and l2silver is not the best not even close a good server does not have lag or its down without info and all the rest..like WR everyone was saying TOP Server and it lasted 2 days. I think you guys need to be more carefull of your words about servers


the problem is that everyone says "best server" and l2silver is not the best not even close a good server does not have lag or its down without info and all the rest..like WR everyone was saying TOP Server and it lasted 2 days. I think you guys need to be more carefull of your words about servers


This is a good server or it was untill some P12 found ddos program, if i ever get hold of his ip or hwid i will post it every where, because its probaly the same guy that ddos Eoa and Wfr

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