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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

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Overloaded. I must be honest i did not expected so many ppl.

Now we will increase the resources so it can stand all the population.

The processor was sky high but now it should be ok.


1300+ online before that ;s


500 after 2 weeks, cause they will relise how retard drop is in this server, like in low rate server





1400 online btw and 3th place on hopzone and topzone, tommorow easily 1st ;)


Okey, i checked... seems like the mashine they are using is too low to keep the amount of players they reach... and not all is saved to database.

Half server are now crying becouse they lost items...



So, good luck :)


is just a visual bug ;) after 1st rr all will be back. Ye machine is not good but they alreadty found one and will buy in after sunday, none of them expect 1,5k online on start lol ;p

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