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The 100 people limit was due to wrong config files. Server obviously can handle more than that. About the buffer only a few people complaint, all the rest have dealt with it and they are enjoying the server.


Yesterday the server opened and everything went by smoothly. The population peaked at around 60-70 players and we are very happy about this. For the new players please read the server Features before you join, theres also a voiced command (.info) you can use ingame to see the server features in more detail.


Thats all, have a nice day everyone!


Yesterday the server opened and everything went by smoothly.

liar, liar, pants on fire!  :you serious?:

smoothly my ass. pvp with 1 sec deyals ftw. While ur targeting BP u've already been stabed 10 times :#

P.s - loved the features tho. 2 bad can't even farm, not even talking about pvp la la lalaaaaaag .


Server was in open beta mode for a week  and a half (thats around 10 days). That was plenty of time for you to notice those things. How do you expect anyone to believe you now? I am not trying to pick a fight here i just want you to give me an honest answer.


Server was in open beta mode for a week  and a half (thats around 10 days). That was plenty of time for you to notice those things. How do you expect anyone to believe you now? I am not trying to pick a fight here i just want you to give me an honest answer.

Honest answer- I joined just now (at grand opening), wasnt here on beta. lol

Any1 who doesn't believe me can log in and see it themself :)


Yesterday the server opened and everything went by smoothly. The population peaked at around 60-70 players and we are very happy about this. For the new players please read the server Features before you join, theres also a voiced command (.info) you can use ingame to see the server features in more detail.


Thats all, have a nice day everyone!


Yes, the population peaked around 60-70 but after 2 hours there were 20-25 real ppl online and 25-30 boxes as buffers. A lot of ppl left because of the insane prices and very low drop rate.


Get this:


1 GC = 300 Peril Coins

1 GCM= 500 Peril Coins

Full RB  - 4500 Peril Coins

Cloack - 1000 Peril Coins

Full Dynasty set = 8 kk AA

Dynasty Weapon = 17kk AA


As for the drops : Mobs drop 1-3 Peril Coins  (not with 100% chance), and 25-30k AA and mobs die in 4-8 seconds. ( not to mention that bots work without problems on your server so there is another minus for that)


Do the math and see if you can make full char in less than 1 month.


Cut the prices to 1/10 and maybe you will have ppl in the server ( I told you this since yesterday: make this change now while you still have ppl - actually is HAD ppl because now the server is empty - or you will make it when the server will be already dead)


Also, we went to kill Baium, (with full party, tank , bishop and DDs) and after wasting about 50 minutes to lower it's HP to 50%  it started hiting us like 10-20k DMG (before we got like 400-500 DMG from it). The tank got 2 hits and died. I bet you did not even tested RBs under 50% HP or if you did , you did it with chars full RB and full ++ with skills +30 which is almost imposible to make on this server.


My opinion: close the server, LOWER the prices and increase drops at least 3x and lower RB stats. And try another Opening .


Also, another problem would be that Bless Scrools can only obtained from TVT reward. Not a good ideea, adding to that, the fact that you only get 1 BEAS and 1 BEWS IF you win. ( let's do some math here : asuming you win 5 TvTs / day you will get 6 BEAS in one day. Now to make full equip +12 you need 72 BEAS for set/jewels/shirt/belt - which are all very expensive and you will use BEAS to enchant if you don't want tio farm like a slave - that makes roughly 14 days , BEST CASE SCENARIO and if you are a MADMAN playing 8-10 hours a DAY to make your equipment full +12 => either you did not think this through or this is your first attempt to open a  HIGH RATE l2 server in the past half a year. Player's tastes change from month to month : keep up ! )


GL and HF !!!


P.S : Don't be stubborn, and listen to the player's suggestions if you want the server to work.


Many players told you the same thing but you did not even respond to our suggestions.




actually server is cool.

Just GC +GCM prices are mby to high.

1-2 hours farm and u got Full Dyna gear and 1-2 Epics easily.


Read my previouys post again and do some math ... after that tell me if the server is cool or not. This is not high rate, at best is MId Rate!

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