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hellbound High Five [retail modded L2J] H5 War For Redemption x15

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Its same as astharoth.

U guys still dont listen when people tell u this is stalone server and it will fail badly.

same web . same admin . same advertising with prizes on life and attracting clans . This dude just wants money. U will see this server will fail in 2 days tops and close in 1 week max.

Stay on it and donate donate so he can take ur money and laugh. Makes me sad that u people still belive in santa.

Lets see who is right after 2 days from live. I bet just like astharoth and every other sh1t stalone opened this one will be the same. Huge lag and delay . His promising that all will be fixed and saying its ddos . Many bugs and corruption.

Dont miss this server start for the most epic fail of all l2 servers. Looking to be in top fail .


Dont shhh me and insult me stupid child. in other words.

Sa o iau pe mata in pula asa ca te bagi tu in seama .




Vesper Armors and Weapons , Moirai Armors and elemental stones have been added on BETA Shop so you can check balance and stuff with that gear from now on.


Stay tuned @ our

forums for daily updates/discussions/polls!!



P.S. Sorry guys, but i decided not to bother responding to brainless i-live-for-flame dudes , or to other server's gm fake chars and friends with only goal to sabotage.



Server will lag like hell from the start ,and it still has that sh1t deelay from server files which makes u freeze for about 10 sec in sel mahum :)

I've tested so u can't say it's not true..And like me other players will see this too and leave.So or u fix this fukin deelay or next failserver .


your head is lagging brainless kid, server is just fine and perfect i am sure can get many players on live cause is best server arround at this time

We will see at start bagamias pula-n mata .

EvilD3ViL  is just retarded kid

All Stalone's friends can su.ck my dick fukin asslickers.


Bro i rlly dont know why is stalone :D I was playing on much servers, diamond as well, but he failed hard, so im waiting for this server, and about delay, I had too some, but on forum is programm which can help u with that so i dont have delay more :P So gtfo nobody cares about your opinions


We will see at start bagamias pula-n mata .All Stalone's friends can su.ck my dick fukin asslickers.


i love you too:) i dont really know who is this stalone but love is in the air <3

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