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Daemon Wow Cataclysm Private Server 4.3.4.

!!! Videos of the Server !!! :

Server Website: http://www.wowdaemon.com/

Account registration page: http://www.wowdaemon.com/create.php

Server Features:

-Rates: x50 (With leveling guide on YouTube with missions auto completed in 15 20 minutes you can lvl up to 85 without problems)

-Rates x90 of Honor (to kill a horde or alliance character between 1500 and 2000 receive honor points)

-New Dungeons and Raids:

Dragon Soul (Dragon Soul)

Firelands (Firelands)

Zul 'Aman

Zul 'Ghuroub

Well of Eternity


And many more than in 4.0.6 Cataclysm Private servers are not able to make xD

-New -beep-ts patch-4.3.4: http://es.wowhead.com/spells=-5.2?filter=cr=16;crs=4;crv=0

-New Armor Sets patch-4.3.4: (As an example put the new Paladin patch 4.3.4)

Tier 12: http://es.wowhead.com/transmog-set=495 PvE

Tier 13: http://es.wowhead.com/transmog-set=1196 PvE

Cataclysmico: http://es.wowhead.com/transmog-set=1226 PvP

Ruthless : http://es.wowhead.com/transmog-set=763 PvP

-LaTiNoS PrO Guild !!! Important !!! The server is in English for those who want to be part of a Spanish-speaking Guild here you have our Facebook and our Facebook Group:

Facebook of the Guild : https://www.facebook.com/latinos.pros

Facebook Group of the Guild: https://www.facebook.com/groups/127824724048975/

Facebook of the Server : https://www.facebook.com/wowdaemon













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