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do i have to make it?


I copy (your) rev 132 then paste on my rev 92 overwrite """"Install database in tools/databaseInstaller.bat"""<--- I have to install again it?

If it is "yes" then i have to make a backup to my rev 92(navicad) then put it on my rev 132 for  no loss my items ,lvl,etc????

Sorry for my noob ask i want to learn :)



A newbie question friend, if you leave the last revs are things that have no previous revs then it is not necessary to reinstall the database?

rather, new java revs new amendments, new things, then to see these changes we have to install the database on the new rev???


Sorry for the dumb question perhaps pcs. but I want to learn because I thought (always, all my history in this of the rev) that was so. : S



Yo hablo español y no puedo expresar bien mis preguntas en ingles y esta es una pregunta muy importante para mi  por eso la escribo en español, mil disculpas


Una pregunta novata amigo, si en las ultimas revs que salgan hay cosas que las revs anteriores no tienen entonces no es necesario reinstalar la base de datos?

mejor dicho: nuevas revs nuevas modificaciones de java, nuevas cosas, entonces para ver esas modificaciones tenemos que instalar la base de datos de esa nueva rev???


Disculpa la pregunta tan tonta quizás para uds. pero quiero aprender porque pensé(siempre, toda mi historia en esto del las rev) que era asi. :S mil gracias !!!



okas men thx a lot for answerd me.

!! I have a problem,

how do i make for créate a Gmplayer?

i put in navicad character accesslvl 100 (reset server)but no hapened anything, then i put in server.propierties everybodyhaveadmin = true then i get to be "Gm" then i put again in everybodyhaveadmin=false then i dont be Gm. :(

What is the way to make gm only to me ?


Thx a lot.


If only you, open config\GMaccess.xml before starting the Gameserver and edit the string


<PlayerID set="0"/>


replace 0 with the SAME number that you find in obj_id column related to you character (characters table in you database)



in your db your character has an obj_Id like 268491202

write <PlayerID set="268491202 "/>


yeah !!!! Nice !!! so thx men :)

now i am Gm yes !


can i to do u another ask? :) how do i use it? ----->/tools/ L2_SkillRelationUpdater

i feel it is important.


It's only a tool for developers, it's not so important for testing


okas men so thx !!

Ask: :)

In Mobius Project Is Added Skills for all 4th class ?

In your copile rev is geodata ?

now what is geodata? is it important for server?


i am really noobs so sorry.



Geodata is important ONLY if you use a live server, and avoids wallshots or mobs trapassing walls, but it's not completely stable and use a huge amount of RAM, if you're testing in localhost you don't need it

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