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[Preview] Lineage2 Man-In-The-Middle [Spoofing RSA-1024, Blowfish and more]

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Yooo folks haven't posted here for years whatsup


just a beta preview of my new program L2MITM

Lineage2 - Man In The Middle


This program is able to dump the username and password of the person who is going to login

The program decrypts the RSA-1024bit, Blowfish, Xor encryption of the game


Just a early stage of the project,

It's also having a simple plugin system so you're able to do a lot and have fun with scripting different stuff

For now I made a plugin that will dump the username and password to a file

And a other plugin that would attack the next monster when you killed it (bot)


You could make a lot outta this :)


Haven't been doing some gamehacks for such time so why not

I thought I'd be also funny to break to spoof the RSA Key so I was able to decrypt the username and password hehe ^_^

Haven't seen anyone so far breaking the RSA for this game so maybe I'm the first 1

Breaking the RSA 1024bit costed me 2 full days messing around with spoofing it and setting all the offsets correct etc

Note: No game hooks are being used, the program is written 100% in C#


Video: L2MITM Beta Preview


I think I'll release this program soon when I'm completely done with the plugin system etc

Oh well stay tuned for updates  :good sir:

Maybe people remember my L2PacketX, well this 1 can do more stuff soon

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