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interlude [L2J] Lineage II Heredur x1000 - Interlude Pvp Experience [02 Server]

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Lineage II Heredur x1000 - Interlude Pvp Experience





Exp : x1000 || Sp : x1000 || Adena : x6000 || Drop : x1 || High Lifestone : 16% || Top Lifestone : 28% || Safe Enchant : +3 || Max Enchant : +16 || Safe Enchant Rate : 100% || Max Enchant Rate : 95%



General Features : Social Actions (ex, when you type haha it does a social action). || Olympiad is retail like (L2OFF), it's available from 18:00 PM until 00:00 AM. Also, after olympiad match your skills get refreshed. || Anti-Heavy System (classes like archer, dagger cannot equip heavy armors) || Npc Crest Feature || Enter PMs.



Enchantment : We have removed enchant scrolls. Server is using a npc enchanter, from this npc you can enchant any item you want. Per enchant costs 1 enchant coin. When your item fails, it goes to safe enchant.



Achievements Manager : Many quests, TODOs and such. Powerful prizes, rewards. It worths!



Farm System : Advanced & special farm system, that makes the game more enjoyable! (Photo & information, soon!)



Champion Mobs : Stronger and powerful mobs, big rewards! (you can find few mobs like them, they have the title : Champion)



Flood Protection : Nothing to say here, everything ingame is protected.



Augmention : This system is totally fixed & reworked. Actives are Non-Stuckable (1 Active, 1 Passive).



Community Board : It shows, Announcements, Changelog, Top Pvp, Top Pk, Top Adena, Castle Status, Server Informations, Server Features, Server Staff, Account Info, Repair Character, Online Gamemasters, Server Statistics, Gatekeeper, Grand Boss Status



Vote Reward : Every 10 votes, all online players get rewarded with 1 Heredur Box + 2 Vote Coin. Dualbox is not allowed, also if you have 2+ boxes online every char takes a message about no reward. If the server is on the first page of hopzone/topzone, players get bigger reward. Also, there is an announce which informs about how many votes we need for first page.



Announcements : There are announcements on login of a hero character or castle lord. Also, we have auto announce of online players and announce when a gm jail or ban someone.



Pvp System : We have a unique pvp system. Every 10 pvp in a row, an announcement appears with your name and count of pvp. Also, when you reach 50 pvp in a row you take some rewards & hero status until restart. For every pvp/pk, you take rewards.



Killer Panel : When someone kills someone, the killed person will have a html popped up with information about the killer.



Siege Rewards : After a siege, every online member of the lord clan takes reward.



Strider Race Event : Every 30 minutes, registeration is open for everyone (type .striderrace_join or .striderrace_leave). After the registrations are closed, they all are teleported to event starting place and paralised for 20 seconds. Then event starts and they have to go and double click on event ending npc. Then event ends and winner is announced. They can't un-beep-t their strider, exit or restart while event runs. Also they can't target anyone else or be targeted. If they try, they will just target their selves.



Wedding Engine : The original wedding engine, nothing to say here.



Items : Nobless Item (gives nobless status for ever) || Reputation Item (can be used only by leaders, gives 1000 reputation points) || Rec Item (gives you 255 recs)



Info & Personal Info Commands : You can see many informations by type .info || Also, you can see many informations about yourself by type .personalinfo



Pvp Chat Mode : When you reach 1000 pvp, you unlock a new chat mode with this prefix : ~





Lineage II Heredur [02] - Staff Members


Debian - Responsible for server's stability, files and developing.

Skopos - Responsible for server's gameplay, ingame problems, support and such.


It won't be so hard, I think medium to easy.

i was hopping for hard cuz is safe enchant through NPC so it should be like 1000 farm items each enchant  5-10 farm items each mob in farm area!or something like this!

i was hopping for hard cuz is safe enchant through NPC so it should be like 1000 farm items each enchant  5-10 farm items each mob in farm area!or something like this!

I don't know yet, maybe I will open polls or something similar.
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