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[L2J] Lineage II Wicca - OPENING 17/03/2013

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so server died/failed before i even connected to server? :/  :not bad:


We are having a maintenance.

Read the forum -.-


=died after maintance+wipe :)

If you haven't got anything important to contribute, let people login and see if the server is "dead" for themselves.

Cause it is not.


another fail another bug in soul crystal buy it from custome gmshop sell it in normal gmshop every on in server is belloiner fucked da shit they will wipe again 10 day in beta test and they didnt test the normal items cost


what else did u expect ? ppl dont like customs


Server wiped and re-open again. Some exploit adena in gmshop but all work fine and files are good. only 2 quest easy at lvl 20 and 40 for change profession and take equip D and C, easy quest


Server is in public Test Mode (you can login) while we fix everything up and test stuff to work correctly.

We will launch this weekend, probably around the weekend.

Maybe even faster if people help iron out problems.


Any help and/or support is greatly appreciated.

We still have a lot more up our sleeves, those things just aren't added yet.

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